I met my partner in crime on #gawkerdating close to 3 years ago. If/When we get engaged, it better make it to the front page.
I don't think he crashed the ship TO impress his mistress. He crashed it while he TRIED TO impress his mistress. I think there's a big difference between this and "hey I can sink this ship, wanna see?"
I'm not sure why it's surprising that they did. I mean, she got one with Kris Humphreys.
I need dis. Where do I buy?
In Texas you have to live together AND say you're married to be common law married. So you can live together for one day, say you're married, and boom common law. Alternatively, you can live together for 40 years and never be common law married if you never present yourself that way. Important distinction.
It's my middle name and that's how I say it.
I never noticed how much gunk she has sitting around on her tongue. Miley, if you're going to be sticking it out like that at least get one of these. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tongue_cl…
I just don't think I want to eat that many sandwiches. 300 is a lot.
Jayden is the son.
Apparently my city didn't get the memo that they were ever out of style, because my ass has been the subject of a lot of unwanted attention for the last several years.
This deserves a spoiler alert. I stopped watching a minute in because I knew it was going that direction.
If Ben is going to go into politics, Jennifer Garner needs to start working on her butter sculpting.
My boyfriend and I live together and we split most things. Even small stuff. We have a google doc that we update with all the stuff we've bought and at the end of the month one of us repays the other for any disparity. We split all our grocery bills even if some of it is my razors or his deoderant or whatever because…
I'm sure this will get buried and no one will see it, but food for thought: I worked at Bed Bath & Beyond (aka Registry Central) and if a newlywed returned something and they had a registry with us, we were able to give them CASH for it. Not store credit. It requires an extra step, but you could register for stuff to…
She was great in the West Wing.
Today is my 25th birthday. I just realized I'm firmly in my "mid-20s" now and can't say early-to-mid anymore, so this really did wonders for my "OH GOD I'M GETTING OLD" non-crisis today.
I think another nice thing to do is to make the bed every morning. Yes, they'll probably (hopefully) just strip the sheets to wash after you leave but it's still a nice gesture.
Whitmire was a great supporter, too. He's my senator. I already sent him a thank-you email.
Ok, this might make me terrible but I don't understand having a huge, lavish wedding when you're getting re-married to the same person. I can get it if it's your second husband, but with NeNe... didn't you guys already do this the first time around? Admittedly, I don't know their history so maybe they didn't get a…