
I get really weird about porn. I don't necessarily like watching other people have sex. It's not my thing. But I guess I feel like it should be something I'm into? Like I'm a bad sex-having-person because I feel really squeamish about the whole thing. I don't know my boyfriend's opinion of watching porn together, but

"This mount will work well if the seat in front of you is upright. Once declined, the viewing angle is compromised." Deal breaker. I always get stuck behind someone who reclines their seat even though they're not even sleeping.

I agree.

Weight in kg and height in m.

We must be the same height.

There is so much unnecessary negativity in this post.

I couldn't agree more.

Flares are horrible. Just buy wide leg or trouser cut.

I'm sure he thinks he's a really nice guy and wonders why he keep getting "friend zoned."

I'm sure he thinks he's a really nice guy and wonders why he keep getting "friend zoned."

I'm reading this book right now. I'll let you know when I get to the coffee chapter

I feel like the dressiness levels are all over the place. Some people are way dressed up and some people look like they grabbed something from Forever 21.

You have too much faith in the overall population's intelligence.

4 cans of Coca Cola per day (which is not that crazy of an amount for some people) is 560 calories. I think the rule of thumb is 3600 calories = 1 lb. That would be over a pound per week. Not considering the sugar and other stuff in there.

"...a children's makeup collection."


I always viewed online dating as a way of putting me in front of people I never would have met otherwise.

I met my boyfriend two years ago in December on a site called gawkerdating.

The new one or the old one? That's how you can tell who hasn't been to mass more than a few times in a year and a half.

I'm not 6'2", but I am 5'11 which isn't that far off. Anyone that critiques your height can go screw themselves. We can reach things on the top shelf! How awesome is that? I was insecure about my height for so long, but it was such a waste of time. You can't change it, so why worry about it? Plus, wearing heels and