Dane here. You can have my health care and I’ll take your car law.
Dane here. You can have my health care and I’ll take your car law.
What is this shit? I just saw the same article on R&T. Raph are you and Okulski colluding or something? I smell a buy-out of jalopnik from the Univison umbrella. To create a bigly automotive jounalism conglomerate to spread fake facts like the MX-5 is the answer to everything.
Drug tests for drivers?
It is anti-federalist to allow one or even several states to dictate terms for other states in markets where the federal government regulates that aspect across state lines.
I’ve worked with some churches and food banks who have relied on vans which should have been long-dead but seemed to soldier on out of sheer force of will knowing that the institution(s) they served couldn’t afford to repair, much less replace, them. Crusty Old St. Peter (an ‘84 Econoline with a 351 Windsor that was…
The whole “if you can make it here...” thing. It’s not always an easy life, but the rewards for the most part (terrific cultural institutions—many free or cheap, the best food, by in large friendly people from all over the globe, 1 hour to mountains, beaches, the quaint villages of the Hudson Valley, etc.) make it…
Indeed, the rest of us spend our days sitting in plastic lawn chairs shooting cans off of old washing machines wishing we could live in NYC.
Yo dawg...I heard you like shopping for car buyers who shop for cars.
Trump is succeeding on this one, but the editorial policy of the platform requires them to bash him.
I think they need to change ratio of aero grip vs mechanical grip. When a car 2 seconds slower per lap because they followed another car too closely for 3 turns, that’s kind of a problem.
Could just as easily be a video of the movers I hired recently cleaning out my apartment.
While some Unions are OK and do right by the employee and employer, I worked with and then supervised some of the most hostile and petulant group of people I’ve ever had the displeasure to meet. Brand new employee, made $21 an hour and paid $50 a month for Union dues. Free healthcare for them and their family, pension…
Not only is *this* car a write-off, the ten VINs either side will have had their resale value reduced by association. Don’t think that their owners aren’t, or don’t have access to, lawyers fancy enough to make it stick.
She is 54. Really, she was just following my instructions. Which were “It’s your first time, so all I want you to do is not hit the walls and get around the track. Remember, the you will want to steer where you look, so look at the track and not the wall”.
Hey, I’d live with a 9 second 0-60 if it meant fewer batteries and a lower cost of entry to get that kind of range.
Okay, so you can’t drive it, but Hot Wheels has a 1/64 scale Audi RS wagon coming out this year, probably as soon as this summer.
Nuh uh. VOX is a shining example of strict journalistic standards because they adhere to my personal political beliefs.