Are you saying... Russia interfered...with the United States? I find that highly unlikely.
The man got more seat time in one race than he did all season in F1.
But how are they going to drop-kick your package to your door before slinking away like a ninja?
Nice writeup. I just learned infinitely more from your comment than from this so called “review.”
Still making less steam than a Focus RS!
I’m lucky in that regard. My mom actually listens to my advice:
That polarizing Prius shape - not the angry Cylon styling of the current generation, just the overall shape - is what make the Prius such a consistent mileage master.
If you’ve gone to eight or so different dealerships and haven’t found one person that you could deal with, maybe, just maybe, the problem isn’t with the dealerships.
Not “steered”?
Are we sure this didn’t come equipped with the James Bond Package?
Top 15 cars that haven’t been washed/vacuumed in 15 years.
Pretty sure they installed the gaskets that started with code GFY.
Ugh, I hate being reminded that the nineties were 20 years ago.
Back when Leftists didn’t get their funding based upon their support of non-existent “man-made” global warming, they called this Global Cooling.
Neutral: What Becomes Of The Boomer Cars?
You might want to go do a calculation on your taxes, I was angry after hearing all the reports on TV, but now that the online calculators are out, I actually figured my taxes, our family of 4 goes from $8500 to $3500, I think the Democrats and media are screwed for telling us how bad this is, once people start seeing…
Constructor point penalties? It penalizes the constructor, whose fault it is, not the driver, whose fault it isn’t, and the grids wouldn’t get mussed about every weekend.
Wow. And I thought I’d done well when I bought my ‘90 Miata with only 43K in July 2016.