
Easy. Find some finely ground dirt, dry it to a powder, and mix with lukewarm water. Add a shit-ton of cream and sugar.

“We love exploring all the various cultures” - Hipsters in America

Emily Blunt has already starred in the best video game movie, just happened to be one that wasn’t adapted from an actual video game.

As a colony of Europe, North America is Europe, or at least is heir and beneficiary of their theft. Our theft.

You’ve bombed Korea (1950), Laos (1962), Cambodia (1968), Vietnam (you know), Grenada, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iraq again.... pretty diverse.

Dewey knew what Della looked like because Donald gave him a photo of her.

that screenshot for “rule 23: no one is above the rules Donald” is going to be very useful for the next few years.

Calling it right now that the twist is Michael is actually the one being tortured and the four are just unknowning pawns to do so because the evil torturing Bad Place folks to not accept even one failure.

I don’t think there would be a Medium Janet. There isn’t even really a Medium Place, just a home they threw together for the one edge case that they couldn’t comfortably sort.

The bad guys were, in order of power:

Not really, Vaughn’s a massive Tory. Anyone with the slightest awareness would have no issue identifying him as a right winger. 

The first movie had the gall to claim being appalled by its mass murder of backwards rubes — poor Colin Firth was forced to kill them! — while also clearly enjoying said mass murder. It wasn’t ambivalent or intriguing, just cowardly and incoherent and it’s worth noting if the sequel has similar bullshit.

I had a similar thought but more along the lines of Michael not being able to make things work as Eleanor and others keep figuring it out. Then they somehow get dirt on Michael...maybe figuring out that he has to report to Sean and will be in trouble...and so they work together in the sense that Michael gives them

I definitely think Michael will end up working with the humans to save his own life, because he’s already used up his second chance.

Clearly the spiders are large enough to function as spreaders.

This is easily the weirdest post I’ve ever made, but I thought Sean said they were trying out the new butthole SPREADERS.

Probably because, beneath all the virtue-signalling and ass-licking, they simply don’t give a fuck.

I had the same thought. I’ve seen so much of the same kind of sentiment in the queer community, and it’s painful how hard most cis gays and lesbians work to avoid talking about it. Not to mention, how ignorant most folks are about the history of cis lesbians teaming up with social conservatives to crap on trans folks.

Why is talking about the reality of what Black women face anti-Black male? We are always told we’re being divisive when we talk about what’s going on. It’s a great way to silence us and nothing has to change. This has nothing to do with white people and what they want.

Omg this article is fucking perfect.