

Trying really hard here.

Webby explaining how hard she tries to be normal and having Dewey says “normal is overrated” was surprisingly emotional for me.

Us leftist don’t think having a priviledge white dude murder priveledge white racists is so cathartic. Plus those people weren’t even remotly realized as characters, they are just the butt of the joke.


I thought that too, but it could still be just an actor being jealous at another having a better part.

Watched the whole show as well as the comics.

Little Witch Academia is dope. Sadly, you are about 8 month late on the hype but i would still take a review of each episode

Agree. But I also think he said it on twitter to discourage Pewdiepie from doing videos with his work again/ distance himself openly

Watched the whole show as well as the comics.

Yes you do. The video game is based on the same univers/same characters

Quit it dude. Women and POC are both mistreated in this. You are just too much of a white guy to recognize it.

I watched this show in french, i read the Lastman comics, as well as some of the other work from those guys. (Vivès, Perrin, Balak..)


So a woman would have to be murdered to further a man’s storyline?


But what if we are on firefox... ;_;

Everyone is throwing a fit over the incest, but let me remind you that Luck and Leïa relashionship was mighty ambiguous at the start.

I feel like visiting this site’s new design already let me enjoy the full experience of trying to enter the gates of hell in a psychotic fit