Rata Mata


Too bad. A breath of fresh air would be appreciated.

I wish you put a review of that movie.
Unconventional take on the kaiju movie by a director with the biggest nerd-cred. Worth talking about.

I thought that was the Saudis

The french call it Daesh, never Isis

Poor lady

I want to be cautiously optimistic but all the previous Thor film have been turds.
That song still kicks major ass.


It's kinda weird because Casey upvoted Jack's comment defending the whole situation as "good drama" higher…

It's a team of 4, there was nowhere to hide. She would have been voted out even if she kept her mouth shut

Personnaly, i am ALL in favor of less-brawny challenge. i want to see the tribe dynamic shifting as muscle mass gets less strategic an asset

K. I shoudln't have ask

Can we kill Desi now ? That tiny hamer will do

"Scarlett Johansson was everything the Japanese girls think they are until the real one shows up" ??

So, you only consume culture that appeal to your particular demo ? And never venture into music produced for and by other ethnicities than yours ? You never watch cartoons, animes, foreign movies, disney movies ? And you dislike all of that by principle?

I don't know, a leading role is a big responsability for someone who hasn't shown if he can even act yet…

No one HAS to like anything, the real question is why do you dislike it ? Why can't people be somewhat neutral/indifferent about it ? Even before having heard any song or without being able to name more than one or two member ?

Duh. It's called misogyny.

The disproportionate scorn One Direction get has a lot to do with being targeted towards young girls. People don't shit on the band because they have done anything offensive, they are a way to shit on young girls by proxy.

AHAH, it's only the twelfth time the "Harry Style is actually a girl joke" has been made in the thread ! Well done.