Rata Mata

Well, anyone isn't very feminist, so yeah, you are as feminist as anyone… wich means not really

Derogatory comment n°1. Thanks for flying with us !

I can't wait for the derogatory comments.

He was screwed up before that. He was already in the buisness of making ignorant comments.
He just has been screwed up a bit mode tightly.


You are wasting your time with me. I am always gonna hold his politics against him. With those macho right-wing, gun-nuts type, it's always fascinating how their positions imply they are some even more brave, even more ubermenchy version of Chuck Norris, and the reality is, when the worse actually happen, they run for

At the begining there was a fair amount of confusion: it's a huge crownd, dancing, in the dark, to very loud music. No the audience wasn't immediatly aware of what was happening. They often described seing people drop before noticing the shooter. Even the band mistaken, for half a second, the sound of shooting to

He didn't see anybody dying. When you are on a stage the public is in the dark from your point of view. They run out of the stage as soon as they recognized the sound of the kalash and didn't saw anything.

I feel kinda bad for saying that but i am under the impression this guy is milking his involvment in this tragedy for all it's worth. It seems each month since the events he pops in my newsfeed making incredibly stupid and offensive declarations about those events. Just shut up, dude. You and your crew managed to

When i was a kid i was a huge fan of a documentary serie about special effects. Its was incredible. Make-up, puppets, tiny replicas of the set, Nowadays, it's all dudes in black t-shirt sitting in front of computers.

It's been a while, now. I don't think it's the case anymore

It's not a "spacespace" mentality, it's actually about ethics in real tv filmmaking