Pulsar the hollow man

Does lying to yourself actually help?

But you’re a conservative.

Yep, said the same thing during the whole Marie Kondo “does it bring you joy” thing. No, it doesnt bring me joy, but I can’t afford another if I need it later so here it is in the drawer for several years. 

Someone who owned his own condo + a rental property (and now a house, I believe, according to a mutual friend) once told me he didn’t “really believe in the concept of private property.” 

People who think “possessions weigh you down” either have a lot of possessions or have the money to own a lot of possessions. You never hear a poor person say that. Sure, I’d throw away all the stuff I own if I was comfortable in the knowledge I could buy more stuff if I ever needed to.

Why isn’t the MRA community talking about the scourge of MRA on MRA violence?

I believe that you’re not trying to excuse anything. Being able to appreciate how the cycle of abuse could impact someone’s thinking at this point in time doesn’t really give the abusive or the abused persons much credit though and makes it sound like we don’t know how the two can be interrelated.

I don’t know... That logic went over the heads of the psychopaths that make up the police forces.

If they’re really that upset about people accusing them of war crimes, perhaps they could consider not doing war crimes.

The article already lists all the ways the film is different from what’s going on today - it’s fiction, after all. But it is trying to establish some common points between what’s happening today and in the film. I don’t disagree with those points(few as they are).

I was kind of secretly hoping the opening ceremony would be an homage to Akira...

People change when they drink a lot and do a lot of drugs, usually for the worse. I don’t think Amber Heard was a peach to get along with, but I don’t in any way think Johnny is some innocent lamb. It sounds like a toxic relationship.

You seriously want to pretend when Leo does this, this whole site isn’t calling him a lame creep. And he does it with hot women, not with unwashed skatepark cosplayers.

When Jon Hamm’s story about his new girlfriend came here in Jezebel, all the comments were about how horrible it was and how abusive it was and how it was the WORST!!!! Because Hamm is 49 and Anna Osceola is 32. But when it’s Beckinsale, who is 46, dating Davidson, who is 26, then it’s Davidson who is the WORST! Same

I’m really confused about what the author is trying to communicate. It sorta seems like a circumspect defense of traditional masculinity/femininity, patriarchal domination and trapping oneself in a bad relationship because superficial physical and social qualities are precedent over anything else.

I live in Asheville, and watched the entire city council meeting. Let me tell you that the item on the agenda before this was to approve paying a firm of ex-cops and lawyers to determine if our police were using best practice when they shot tear gas and rubber bullets into the crowd of peaceful protesters. They also

Yeah, there’s zero percent chance he doesn’t know exactly why he’s been banned. If he really thought it was unfair he’d be screaming from the hills and filing lawsuits. To use his analogy:

Did you not understand anything that was happening in the story?

I loved it. I was flat out gutted through it all, but I still loved it.