Pulsar the hollow man

Me too, I feel like an arrogant prick with his nose in the air. I’m not sure how much of it is mental and how much is physical.

Hey, I texted you about coming tomorrow, hope that’s OK. Anyway, I’ll see you there.

I’m not sure how much we can draw from that. I remember when Chelsea (then Bradley) Manning was on trial, her lawyer had a bit on his website about how many female soldiers would withdraw rape accusations when faced with a polygraph. I can’t seem to find a source for that now though.

Yeah, noticed that immediately.

Come on dude, the ball thing requires minor spreading, nothing that would warrant the kind of thing that pushes into other people’s space. Have you actually looked at the photos of men doing this enough to cause a problem?

“fried foods”

If that’s a prison then they also kidnapped two children and imprisoned them too. That’s the part that I find disgusting.

The tone and shot selection of this was perfect, it absolutely captures the BBC4 documentaries like Jim Al-Khalili’s history of chemistry.

Hey, couch-fucking is a victimless crime. Don’t bring us into this!

If you check the bioscience terminals in the institute it says that the original farmer is undergoing “enhanced interrogation” i.e. torture. It also says that once their research is complete the farm will be destroyed so there’s no witnesses.

You’re right. I found the holotape saying they were replacing a farmer with a synth, torturing the farmer (enhanced interrogation my arse), then planned to finish off by murdering the whole settlement so there were no witnesses. I thought this was my proof, hoped that I could confront Father with it, but no, nothing.

It turned out it was the journo who ordered the fries, then wrote it to sound like MIA did. We know this because MIA had heard this particular journo was dodgy so she secretly recorded the interview herself. It was great.

Groundball. Since it’s mostly played in the air it makes perfect sense.

Please stop engaging with this TLDR person, I see their contrary trolling on practically every Jezebel article I read. Why do people keep bringing them out of the greys?

Yeah, not to mention this bit:

Isn’t that how they do it in Australia? Has that rendered Australia a kidney-filled utopia?

wanted to train it to be very vocal and needy

He was on the list, just much younger, see?

Hey, so, question. Is this still happening?

Indian Jones