
Waiters seems like the kind of guy who routinely has people tell him “FUCK YOU” directly to his face. He’s probably used to it.

Press X to jump in mass grave

I just want to see him People’s Elbow a bunch of endangered animals.

Once again, a black man discovers the Blues, but it’s white guys who make money off them.

Getting stars and replies from the Kotaku staffers makes me feel like I’m some sort of Kotaku celebrity or something.

Can’t wait for the ESPN 30 For 30 about how this will empower and strengthen Ray Lewis and his family.


That guy was crying because his CNN app just told him Prince died.

Trolling is all they gave left at Arsenalspin. It's sad if anything

I honestly had no idea this guy existed.

A spokesman for ESPN says they’ve been flooded with calls from white people overjoyed to see a black man rooting for them.

Who’s getting worked up? There’s no one getting worked up. The media’s getting everyone worked up. Sad.

My takeaway from this article is that we’re saying:

Gotta pay the troll toll if you wanna get into this boy's hole (soul).

“gun porn.” (Do not look up that term in Google, trust me.)

Here’s another view on it though. Back when PS+ first started, the PS3 had a bevy of AAA titles, that had lost most of their resale value, and also digital was not a huge chunk of sales. So we got titles like Bioshock and Batman because no one was making cash on those anyway. The PS4 is only 2 years in and most titles

Well, as everyone knows by now, you have to be white to win an Oscar.

our readership has grown to the point that you can’t really concern yourself with the unideal audience. But, yeah, the 19 people and counting who have emailed me to “correct” my post is a bit of a surprise.