
I thought it was a solid $20 game.

He can’t relate and that makes him uncomfortable

That dentist already took Daren out.

It did, she’s into RPG games but doesn’t have a next gen console or PC so she can’t play TW3.

Okay, so I had trouble with this as well. You definitely need Quen. In the second half you need to just dodge his teleport swings with the roll (not dodge). Keep rolling to dodge 3- 6 attacks and then his weapon gets stuck in the ground. That’s when you run to him and hit him with three light swings and then get

Shouldn’t this be called Charted: The Nathan Drake Collection since we’ve been here before??

stay classy Konami

Boston Wrong

Lob City.

They say Jeremy Renner has a pretty substantial part in this film, but very rarely is seen in any of the trailers. He is a two time Academy Award nominee, part of three major film franchises, yet still sees no love. Will he never shake the fact that he was in National Lampoon's Senior Trip?

Well, not to worry, I don't think there are many ten foot pianists around.

I wish Destiny had a pre-order bonus that included a story....

Huell already knows why.

I didn't realize this was developed by DICE.

Sony better call Harvey Specter if they want to win this!