
Still just a fucking horse.

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Does Dabo Swinney cosplay require prayer and a promise to stay off social media?

The most morbid electric football game of all time.

We are at the mountains of political madness my friends. Run away. Fast.

For Science!

Hmm, sad face for no more Vita games or dead son???

This thing is already off the rails.

If American Psycho were about America’s worst sports fan, mind you.

This sounds like an inner monologue Bret Easton Ellis left on the cutting room floor of American Psycho.

Ahhh League One. The English equivalent of the shitshow that is the American minor league baseball system. Your team may not always win, but there’s always a good session to be had.

The hive mind that is football doesn’t really give a shit about these kinds of incidents. “Oh, how sad. Tragic. Prayers.” All bullshit. Each level of the sports feeds the corporate beast that is the NFL, who have no incentive to see change.

Oooh sick burn. Really got me there, keyboard warrior.

Well if that isn’t the pot calling the kettle black Philly.

Aww don’t fret Patrick. As a member of the games press you’ll get first crack at the proper game before we do. That said, I’m excited for this bad boy because...I’ve got a golden ticket!

30 replies and you haven’t defended yourself. This is Internet deliciousness.

In other news, Hearts of Stone unlocked at like 6:30 central time. Return to the Northern Kingdoms, engage!

Hard questions such as, “Why am I attracted to a talentless Canadian hack who looks a lot like some bloke from ISIS?”

This is the first time La Crosse has been in the national media spotlight since a President came through town. Campus is thirty minutes from my house so I find this to be especially hilarious.

It already has an Amazon listing. It’s a full $60 title.