
I initially found myself extremely annoyed at how little time you have to run away as the monster right at the start of the match. It forces you to ignore feeding and get as far away as possible while sneaking and creating false trails. This is the biggest mistake I see other monsters making in matches.

Probably the only think he enjoys talking about.

Pre-ordering a consumer product is my God given right as an American. (Hail Satan)

Ben Wa Balls

"Service has been restored." Even when trying to be transparent, Sony is full of shit.* I'm still seeing a large amount of people who can't connect, specifically on their PS4s. What is that about?

Will we ever see transparency from these two companies when it comes to this kind nonsense? Every message that they drip feed to us is PR rhetoric and corporate speak. "Sorry we keep letting our online network get smacked in the mouth by mouth-breathing millenials with more botnets than sense."

Ubisoft is about as corporate as video game publishers get. EA catches most of flack but Ubisoft have understood the questionable merits of in-game transactions, apps, and other money-making junk for about as long as the folks in Redwood City. After all, they exist to make money. If they happen to make some art along

The corporatization of the world was always going to extend to video games. Businesses exist to make money and video games have always been monetized, so they really are a match made in heaven. We could get bogged down in a conversation about art and money and whether they need to be in bed together, but that's a

I wish I could have been a fly on the wall at Bungie for this game. Just what in the actual fuck went on over there? The finished product felt like 3/4 of a game, calling into question the content that one is getting with this Season Pass. Was it removed so the game could have near-future content in the form of these

You win this little corner of the Internet today sir. Well played.

To be fair, it seems as though the people he's trolling in this video have a collective IQ of 67 and about the same collective age.

I hit a wall with Destiny about a month ago and I don't miss it. This rather lean DLC simply reaffirms my belief that this is just about the most underwhelming "major" release in years. Yes, even more so than Watch Dogs. But if people wanna give more money to Activision in order to keep chasing that all-important

It's a shame that those who worked on this game will have to inevitably look for new positions in six months and have this on their resume, whilst the people who actually had control of the situation will pass the buck and fuck something else up at Sony.

I agree with Jason here. However, this does seem like the kind of situation in which someone in the lofty reaches of "Higher Ups" need to answer with their job.

Video games aren't exactly known for their "subtlety and restraint." But I respect your right to have an opinion about a game I've yet to play sir. Carry on.

Welcome to our modern culture. A violent, vocal minority who are so utterly entitled as to complain about a free mobile in which you strive for fame with a Kardashian as your guide. Fuck these people.

Welcome to our modern culture. A violent, vocal minority who are so utterly entitled as to complain about a free mobile in which you strive for fame with a Kardashian as your guide. Fuck these people.