Oh my god, I would love to see members of Congress give Trump the dressing down he deserves, on camera, while he has to sit there and take it.
Oh my god, I would love to see members of Congress give Trump the dressing down he deserves, on camera, while he has to sit there and take it.
Yeah, these dumbfucks still haven’t figured out that “off the record” doesn’t mean “completely forbidden from ever talking about it.”
Yeah, it seems that the only reason people heard about this is because Trump fired her (excuse me, she resigned ‘of her own free will’) and the reason had to come out somehow.
Cauldron calling the kettle.
and with the other, Robert Kraft.
Well, hey guys, it’s not like he’s been taking public money to house his team for years and years and years.
On the one hand, fuck Jerry Jones.
Modest gun control measures are far, far more popular than assault rifles.
Ivanka, this is why Samantha called you a feckless cunt. When you have the power to do something, and instead choose to remain complicit, and then pretend to care, you just might be a feckless cunt.
“As our nation mourns the senseless loss of life in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio and prays for the victims and their loved ones, we must also raise our voices in rejection of these heinous and cowardly acts of hate, terror and violence.”
The wrong people die.
He should have ALSO shot A-Rod.
I have to say, as a non-Yankee fan, this systematic destruction of Jeter’s carefully crafted public image - largely at his own hands - pleases me greatly.
Has anyone ever pointed out that Jeter is in the same “face family” as Putin.
It’s also neat that he’s the first player to start a game and earn the save.
As a Pirates fan, yes, the Pirates booth is an embarrassment, but, frankly, wouldn’t you be testy if you were Greg Brown?
In all seriousness, the complete lack of a reaction by security is pretty scary.
Report: Roger Goodell Is A Feckless Stooge
The future of the NFL, which has two more seasons of labor peace before the CBA expires in March 2021, is in some truly mediocre hands.
calm your tits.