I’m not tired of reading about these losers. It’s comic relief. You seem triggered somehow.
I’m not tired of reading about these losers. It’s comic relief. You seem triggered somehow.
“Mandate freedom” is such a god damn hilarious slogan.
Does anyone know what they were protesting?
The remaining “truckers” all got calls from their parole officers telling them they’d better have their asses back in state by Monday morning.
What did they accomplish, other than proving what a stupid bunch of cockwads they are?
I was trying to think of a subtle way to say this - but I wonder if this is a reflection of the meth /opioid addiction epidemic that has strongly affected Indiana and surrounding states? I was in southern Indiana for work just before the pandemic and the client was telling me that they have over 50% turnover in their…
Greg Robinson has 2 options and neither of them are good. He could plead guilty and go to prison for at least 2 years or he could plead not guilty and remain a Cleveland Brown. Sucks to be him!
They weren’t leaving the country. They were going from LA to Louisiana. They just managed to dumbass their way into the Sierra Blanca checkpoint, which you have to go through if you’re going west to east.
Spot-on. And I remember people used to say “Snyder wants to win! Say what you will about him, but he spends all this money because he wants to win!” Uh, no. I mean, I’m sure he’d like to win to talk shit/brag and get accolades, but mostly he exists to generate revenue. And as long as that franchise continues to be…
The worst part of all of it was that clearly, the only reason Scot was shown the door was because he was receiving too much credit for the team’s relative success and Bruce and Dan weren’t receiving enough.
tell you what, dabo swinney’s gonna have one hell of a time turning this franchise around
What time will Snyder call in Allen to fire him? Never o’clock? The one constant (other than Snyder) with this team is Allen. It’s the proverbial definition of insanity here. Allen is not a good person, and is a terrible judge of talent and perhaps even worse at running a front office. Until that changes, the…
Man, Dabo Swinney’s gonna have his hands full with this mess once Dan Snyder convinces him to leave Clemson and take the Washington job.
Haven’t watched the NFL in a long while, but...McCoy is still on the roster?!? Fuck me.
what is more astonishing is that the Skins, themselves, didn’t shitcan their own future by overpaying for Kirk “Kirt” Cousins
the problem there is once you’re a HC somewhere, even if you sucked, there is always going to be a team that will think about letting you be a HC of their team. that won’t happen if you start running triple reverse flea flickers
In his 5+ years as head coach, Gruden as NEVER won 10 or more games in a season, competed and lost in one playoff game and has finished above 500, exactly once. He has more crippled starting quarterbacks than playoff victories.