
Kraft delays release of video, public left hurting for a squirting.

Listen, the moment these Indians allow Trump to build a casino on their land, it’s all gonna be better.

Well, at least they can’t resurrect individuals like Göering or Himmler yet. You know their resumes would be at the top of the list.

It’ll only happen after they stop using the word “Stupider”

So by the time this guy was 25, he had been married, was a D-1 basketball assistant coach and then a head coach, had an affair with one of his players, got that player pregnant, resigned from his head coaching job and then got divorced?

Press Presses Press Sec Into PR Disaster Re: PR Disaster

Yeah I was going to point out the fact that it’s a private school and the cost would have been a minimal hit to the school’s budget. The article even mentions the fact that the NCAA provides funding for this type of thing, which would have theoretically driven down the costs even more. Either there is some major penny

Colgate’s undergrad tuition: $55,000

so, the band for ohio state got paid to play-act as the band for colgate during a game that brought in a few million dollars for all involved, except for the players of that game themselves.

AG Barr said there’s no collusion between Fox News and the Trump Administration and that’s good enough for me.

He said Trump Tower has 68 stories. It has 58.

The man was in remarkable shape so something substantial had to occur.What takes down a 325 lb football player and leaves no evidence of foul play?

I... WTF?

Just no.

They killed that young man. Shut them down forever. 

As is the trend everywhere in the United States. Live pro sports is now only for the elites. The common people have not fully woken up to this yet and still spend way too much money trying to play this game. It won’t last forever. I could afford to go see a few games a year but I choose to only go to minor league

Hell, I am 42 and a lifelong baseball fan, and my response to going to Opening Week was, “Nah”.

This is a guy who has used his “platform” to support a white nationalist and to amplify white nationalist distortion of Colin Kaepernick’s thoughtful and justified protest of police violence against African-Americans. He has plenty to be sorry for.

A nice reminder that no matter how beloved a celebrity is, they’re still all a bunch of idiots.

It is indeed ridiculous to say that a guy who specifically said Trump’s white supremacy inspired him to commit these murdered may have been inspired to commit these murders by Trump’s white supremacy.