
Is it time to think about abolishing football? I’m all for it, mostly just to stick it to Browns fans when they’re at their most hopeful and vulnerable. 

I’m sorry, but you haven’t answered the question of how the content will be generated. There must be content!

I’m going to need 10% more disrupting. Maybe 15%.

Per LinkedIn:

“Highly motivate media professional blah, blah, blah...”

This practice is common in many industries and is all the proof you need that working people are bullied and exploited.

Everytime I hear about media people in NYC getting screwed, I automatically think back to this post.

We could use a man of your talents to objectively visualize multimedia based strategic theme areas.

Jesus, not this shit again.  Wouldn’t you be better served starting up a newsletter or something.

I freelance at leveraging synergies across multiple dynamic paradigm shifts. 

“I’m a cheat, but would never stoop to bribing anyone.” 

I mean, look at his attitude toward the casinos he bankrupted.

...probably explains his dating life, too.

Dont forget we gotta fund The Space Force. Those start-up ventures cost quite a bit extra... the stationary, the badges, the uniforms. Just hope Congress sets aside a little to shoot Pence and Trump into orbit

What eats me is that so many of his supporters continue to swallow his line about “loving our big, beautiful military,” but the fucking grifter is literally raiding the military budget pools to pay for his vanity wall.

I cannot understand what it must be like to live in a consistent state of pronounced cognitive

or they should just slash it because it’s an insane number. In 2016 china spent 146 billion on it’s military. I think we spent around 582 billion in that same year. It seems totally out of whack that we spend so much money on the military when that money can go to actually helping. you what, fuck it. whatever. This is

I’m 100% positive that he thinks the shutdown was a net gain for him politically and he will do it again as many times as possible.

That’s true.... leave that part there! Make sure everyone gets paid. But also that if Trump wants to National Emergency a wall he now has to take it out of the paychecks of his voting base.

Yeah but if we eliminated military spending, we’d be getting rid of the nation’s largest welfare program. 

Gotta love that runaway military budget. Can’t properly “support the troops” without unchecked spending almost entirely going to the same five defense contractors year after year with no real repercussions when they provide sub-par or non-functioning equipment years after it was promised.

I wish that this surprised me.