
Someone over at Deadspin wrote several opinion pieces about how sex trafficking isn’t that bad! therefore this was a police set up. In the same article they quotes the prices women were offering for their services, that being something like $120 for sex. Which, ha!, is by no means an amount someone working as an

No one deserves to go to Buffalo. No one. 

Bills fans this morning are destroying property, calling Brown racial slurs and drunkenly getting into fistfights so, you know, you can just imagine how they’ll react when they hear about this.

As a Bills, fan, I’ll respond to this responsibly: Heavy drinking and shattering tables. Grant you, that’s how I respond to everything else, but consistency is a key part of The Process.

Washington made the most sideways ass, mediocre ass move they could to maintain the status quo of winning just enough games to make you think they could be something, so long as you don’t pay actual attention. To think that their plan currently consists of a competition for the starting job between the tag team of

She is a liar. She has perjured herself in front of Congress and the American people, the people she swore to defend and who employ her.

Trump gather the boys around and whispered softly, “ So who wants to panty raid Ivanka’s room? Jared told me she just bought some new lacy pink thongs because her last pair went missing.”

When Trump hears “Urban Development” he thinks “inner-city schools.”

“Have just as much influence” means “earn more money than you can grift in public service,” right?

“Hey Ben. You’re black. You must know about the urban life and public housing. How about I make you HUD Secretary?”

Ben Carson is a perfect example of how someone can be utterly brilliant in one specific area, and completely deficient in others. No one would dispute that he was an amazing brain surgeon. However once you step outside of that realm, his faculties are quickly found to be... somewhat lacking.

Remember, to the right, they’re patriots.

its the fastest growing state in terms of rate of population, iirc. I live right next door in Spokane, WA (which is also a hot bed of white supremacy) and hoo boy..going into parts of Idaho is straight up scary. The Idaho panhandle is filled with empty wilderness that is painfully gorgeous and all sorts of militia and

Nothing like showing love to anti-American terrorists.

Dude probably bids two notrump while in the East seat with only four tricks.

CPAC always starts out slow, but the choreographed parade they hold at the end of it is pretty spectacular:

Seems pretty obvious.  He either tested positive for some kind of a contractually-banned substance, or he put his paws on a woman.  Hopefully this is the last time we hear about this moron. 

Wow. A player effectively banned from playing his sport in an entire country?! He must have REALLY disrespected their national anthem. 

Seems like they all already have one.

Surely some NFL team must be shopping for an inside wife-beater?