
Atlanta, book it.

Sadly, they’re not wrong. There’s going to be a dozen cities who will give in to Amazon’s demands. Particularly in the Bible Belt where unionization and worker rights are a joke.

Looks like the Ravens were able to make a potential quarterback controversy vanish into thin air.

You also can’t spell “unctuous assmaggots” without N-C-A-A

If there’s any organization that can find a way to retroactively eliminate happy memories, I think it’s the NCAA.

Are there any fines to the school? They already made their money from those games regardless of what the W-L record now shows, so if not, then of course the AD doesn’t give a shit.

If mean, if you’re going to be an old white guy fired from your TV job for doing something controversial, criticizing the NFL is probably the least horrifying thing you can do.

Love the laughter from the gallery when he pulled that shit! What a chickenshit.

Brooks Robinson today called him the best player on their team. Brooks Robinson.

A great remembrance. Frank Robinson never got talked about enough. As good as he was in Baltimore it was nothing compared to his time with the Reds. In the late 50s and early 60s he was a terrifying hitter.

And what’s truly sad is if this went on in some other country, say Afghanistan or Venezuela or Cuba, of med being killed by the police without trial, of prisoners dying in their cells because of mistreatment, of police action about killings, we’d be hearing se horrendous abuses of a police state and god bless

That’s some damn fine work, it’s not surprise that there’s a concerted enough to obscure the number of suspicious deaths at the hands of law enforcement.  

This is good work and the only reason that “law enforcement” wants to hide their misdeeds is that they are afraid of getting caught.

Hey he’s kind of right. It’s a great place to get $4 billion in bribes and payouts and not even have to build or hire anyone!

I bet he buried his hookers early on.

Actually came here hoping to find some technical explanation of this. Here in Montana everyone’s just like “yeah? And?” 

A (maybe) true Joe Paterno story:

To answer your real question, it probably had to do with a few things:

“You’re not going? Dinner at the White House is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, man!”

Swinney is an absolute trash excuse for a human being but folks from back home in the southern Carolina like him because he wins football games. People like(d) Joe Paterno because he won football games but the only good thing about him is that fact that he’s no longer alive.