
Im sorry Gabe but all value is subjective. Meaning there is no objective standard of what something is worth. Machado and Harper are not “worth” any particular salary. Yes, in the past, players similar to them (or even worse than them) got big ling term deals. That’s is no guarantee of future deals and not proof that

Trump is an evil, idiotic liar.

“I know my work helped many, many people because they’ve told me so,”

“Space Station, this is your President,” Trump said to his own reflection, according to Sims.


I watch the shit out of bull riding and I always pull for the bull. Always. Rodeos are fucking barbaric.

Alternate joke: He died doing what he loved: something incredibly stupid.  

He died doing what he loved.  Torturing animals.

See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil” condensed to “cape for evil.”

So a 51-year old man he gets pushed by a 12-year old GIRL and his response is to punch her in the face?

Let ‘em eat cake, eh, Smiley? Suck it.

$100 bucks says he complains on Twitter within 24 hours about how reporters aren’t focusing on baseball and how they should avoid prying into his personal life.

Oh, you didn’t know that in addition to being a creep with gossamer-thin skin, Bauer is also fervently “pro-life”?

To be fair, Bauer is aware of how much Cleveland’s fan base vehemently opposes this type of behavior. He knows if he says the wrong thing, he’s going to have to answer to this guy:

He doesn’t seem to have the attention span or the social skills for something like that. I see him more as a “moves to a compound in Idaho w/ lots of guns” guy, ranting about black helicopters and fluoride in the water.

Ok, I think what we’re all thinking here is holy fucking fuck why are there so many hangers in those lockers? 

Textbook little snowflake! Hahah! Dude doesn’t hesitate to GTFO when the question starts being asked. Again, what a fucking toolbox.

I dunno, I don’t have a problem with it.

Typical keyboard warrior

Lather, rinse, repeat, throw up.”