
Oh man! Burned by Brick!

This is also a good time to remind everybody that Trump can unilaterally launch nuclear strikes whenever he wants. It was a concern of mine, but not a major one, when it comes to this regime. But now I’m feeling a bit more uneasy. Of all the countdowns today, the doomsday clock is one I’d rather not see move closer to

What a normal and fun message. Can’t help but feel that if some entity other than the military posted that, it would be treated as a threat toward Times Square.

Sounds like a fan for each base!

I am a Rays fan. Its hard to call all 4 of us a base though.

ISIS’s defeat was the product of my stable genius. No collusion! No collusion with McGurk!

With Trump in the WH that the only people that are actually safer are beauty pageant contestants.

So in the end, maybe the size of your Schwartz does affect how well you can Rafi a gift.

The craziest part of the fascination with Nathan Peterman is that it almost entirely has to do with the fact that old men in the NFL are still enamored by QBs who play under center, even as college teams and coaches show them that you don’t need some mythical drop back passer to have a successful offense, and in fact

I find it hilarious that, after all the terrible things Trump has done, as well as all the things he’s failed to accomplish that he said he’d do, that the one thing some of his big followers in the RWNJ media are willing to abandon him on is the fact he can’t get the fucking wall built.

In my mind’s eye, the NFL morphed into an old ass Conservative White Man so slowly that I hardly even noticed.

The NFL expects artists to perform for free? Is Maroon 5 performing for free? The kneeling issue aside why would anyone do anything for free for the $8 billion dollar a year plantation that is the NFL?

George W bought a piece of the Rangers, pushed for a new “Ballfield at Arlington”, then sold out for big bucks, and look how it turned out for him.

Never mind. I was thinking of Tim Kazurinsky and it really doesn’t work.

First thing he bought with his money was an amusement park, because now they HAVE to let him ride the rollercoasters.  Next stop was a shopping spree at Armani Kids.  He really is living on top of the world now, his previous high was when he successfully climbed a chair to get to the cookies on the top shelf.  What a

I’m so utterly dumbfounded by this, I can’t craft even a bad joke response. This man is at least partially responsible for crafting a plan that is going to economically hurt REAL FUCKING PEOPLE for DECADES, all in the interest of lining the fucking pockets of a few more millionaires and billionaires. Then when the

The problem is that - like every con and cheat the Trumps have ever gotten away with - this is being settled as a civil matter. There’s no criminal penalty when you can pay your way out.

I did some more research, and I was wrong about something: If they have already paid money towards the loan and are eligible for a discharge, that money will be returned.

Old empty stadium demolished to build taxpayer-funded new empty stadium.