
There’s no way the Greenberg bar mitzvah is using a room that small. They’re having the place roll back both walls, it’s gonna be a real shindig.

I disagree. I feel pretty confident Bannon’s 15 minutes are over. Trump used Bannon and cut him loose when he had no more utility for him.

He looks like the physical manifestation of what going on a month long bender does to your body.

Looking at him is great motivation to take better care of oneself though, like the Bizarro equivalent to fitspo.

I liked him much better when he was just the drunk of Mayberry

I salute you, Admiral. 

Every time that I think that you guys have found the most repulsive image of Steve Bannon that could possibly exist, you manage to outdo yourselves. I have seen corpses that look less putrified than he does in that image.

He wanted to speak for longer, but the international Jewish conspiracy stopped him because they needed to get the room set up for the Greenberg Bar Mitzvah.

8 cops to arrest one stoned white guy. Eight.

Since it is so safe maybe they should go work for a network or paper there... actually they would do well since they are already willing mouthpieces for damn near anything our fucked up administration wants said.

The defense offered by the Saudis is laughable. “Here’s this dude, in advanced middle age, who just decided to start a fucking donnybrook with a whole crew of Saudi operatives—and I guess he punched a little above his weight, because he got fucked up good.”

As a nation, America will buy this sorry excuse for an

Yabut Trump said they’re cool now, because money.

Mnuchin is an evil, traitorous snake.

Can we change the locks while he’s gone?

“Well-oiled machine! There’s no chaos! No chaos!”

This is working as intended. Remember, Trump loves chaos.

There is zero chance he does! Who the fuck wants to sleep with him, besides ol’ opportunistic Heidi?

It couldn’t possibly be this hard to run a functioning white house could it? 

You have your answer with “spite the liberals”, even if it means voting for a slime-ball with no concrete platform. In the first debate, his answer for gun control was bringing, “God back into the public sphere.”

Yeah, the only good Ted is defeaTed. Vote Beto, Texas!