
Weapons of mass destruction?

Hey, Cathy in HR really worked hard on that

What do you expect from Confederate Flag lovers?

Something just occurred to me. I have dealt with narcissists in my life and the one absolute constant with those assholes is that you CAN’T play them like a fiddle. They are unplayable. Every single time you think you have outgunned or outmaneuvered them, they will just go sideways and leave you baffled and confused.

Trump supporters are the un-American traitorous pieces of trash. Full stop.

Have always seen Stone as Mueller’s “coup de grace” for Trump.

What failure? They accomplished exactly what the government wanted: nothing.

Can you imagine how hard the right would have been trying to impeach Obama if he decided to go off on (ACTUAL fake news) Fox and not take any of their questions?

Worth mentioning that his off the field work is exceptional as well. He does alot of charity work with kids and downs syndrome folks. It’s always a nice bonus when all-time great athletes are good people and not like say... Floyd Mayweather.

His father was a piece of shit owner, too.

This is not a compromise; it’s an executive making his labor shut up so he can cater to the dumbest people in our country.

We ask our players 20 days a year — game days — to restrict their statements.

I have started to call her Leatherface instead of Melanoma now— did you guys see that weirdlooking apparition that walked off the plane next to the weirdlooking apparition that is our president?? Jesus wept. Dial it back on the surgery there, girleen.

This reminds me of when I first learned how to code html manually.

But they have a purpose. They’re hostages. Children make the best hostages. The best people are saying so.

Rendition for no identifiable purpose is torture. 

Get real, Bone Spurs went Summa Cum Laude in Cowardice, has a PhD in Foolishness and is single handedly putting The Onion out of business by making them a legit news source.

The most important part of this story: Police BELIEVED him until they saw cell phone video that contradicted it. He (and the cops) knew all he had to say was “i was afraid for my life!” and he would walk. How different would things have gone with George Zimmerman if only one of those houses had a security camera...

Telling 100% white crowd how awful black players are and how stupid white billionaires are... a day after 7 sitting senators were in Russia for the 4th of July kissing the arse of tRump’s handler. And they laugh and applaud while the trade war starts, babies are lost/in cages/separated from parents, and he’s under

Wasteman is one of my favorite insults I’ve picked up from British boxing twitter.