
Like the guy at Penn State who saw Sandusky raping a kid in the showers and did nothing. Two men enter, one man leaves comforting a crying victim and the EMTs take out the trash. That's what should have went down. Dude was at best a coward, at worst an accessory.


Seems like he’s a balls kinda guy. If he was horrified by it like most people would be, why did he cover it up? I guess his brand of ‘superior morality’ doesn’t worry about criminal activities that ruin lives in horrible ways.

His boss, the Big Rancid Piece of Orange Cheese himself quickly winked at Jordan and barfed out a hearty “Welcome to the club!”

Another Hard R trying to hide from a nasty sexual abuse coverup that he was knee deep in? This sort of thing only happens on days that end in ‘y’.

Fox News Persona: What hamburger toppings will grace your July 4th cookout? Stay tuned to Fox & Friends to find out!

Jim Jordan, The Ohio State University Abuse Ignorer

Jim Jordan, THE Ohio Abuse Ignorer

So you are telling me a right winger is ignoring the facts in front of him to believe his own version of reality? Totally unexpected, dude.

So now we know that Chris Bosio is a racist and a liar.

“It’s cool, I’m taking it back!” - Bosio

A racist and a liar and a Supreme Court nominee.

I’m going to be pissed if he comes out of the cave, sees his shadow, and gives us six more weeks of LeBronWatch.

Jameis Winston and his phony smile and performative enthusiasm are chilling to me.

This should be treated as a criminal conspiracy to defraud and maliciously harm Americans. The mess that Trump is creating is staggering.

...four GOP senators who have publicly doubted or denied the consensus on climate change—Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, James Lankford, and James Inhofe...