
Indeed, this is so dumb on their part, they have to be sensible enough to see the drain on the state when the HS and college grads are bolting the state in droves. But the drumbeat of hatred, from MRAs to fire-and-brimstone screeching preachers is strong.

Just the one? Must be a slow week.

One small silver lining in the Trump debacle is that Trump and Giuliani will never dare show their faces on a New York street again (outside of Staten Island).

The minimum standard for being any type of law enforcement officer should be the ability to comprehend The Constitution.

Well, the Obama Administration hated Ebola, so it only makes sense that under Trump we are its ally.

This seems extremely suitable right this moment...

I dare you to find me someone more self-righteous and dead inside than a higher education administrator. At least the vampire capitalists are honest about their intentions.

This guy must steal shit all the time, right? I can’t imagine the kind of person who’s first instinct on seeing an unattended jacket hanging on a chair is to take it isn’t a klepto or someone who has gotten away with just taking shit for so long that he doesn’t think twice about it.


Is it weird that while I think Giuliani is a genuinely bad person seeking to benefit from damaging our society, I don’t believe he’s quite this dumb? Sure, you have to be at least a little dumb and/or a lot amoral to agree to work for Trump, but my understanding of ol’ Rudy was that he was a relatively savvy political

Glad to see our police have military equipment from 2016 and photo equipment from 1996.

As a Temple law school alum myself, this completely does not surprise me. In the same year I graduated, during the height of the Great Recession, my designated guidance counselor refrained from posting a job listing by the US Attorney’s Office to the school website, so that there would be less competition when she

Seems like a lot of effort went into normalizing a guy who doesn’t even have a fucking plane.

He’s just reg’lar folks, see? He puts his pants on one leg at a time, and drives himself to work from his gated community with a 24-hour guard to keep out the riffraff just like the rest of us! He also has to make tough decisions about spending just like us - if he re-ups his lease next year, he might not be able to

Next he’ll get a dog so he can say the dog ate his tax returns.

Run to the Hills......said The Prisoner. Hallowed be thy Name-Evangelicals

Also that the current POTUS is actively attempting to ruin the lives of most of the people and/or the families of those people who actually give a fuck about soccer in the US.

This is called cutting your losses. No USA means many fewer eyeballs in the US. Blame USMNT.

This makes sense, as the USMNT has been half assing things for decades now also.

Let him who is without rosacea cast the first spud.