
Fuck these fucking criminal organizations! While the CFPB was the best of what we could expect, it still was toothless.

honestly im surprised no one has made him knock that shit off...

The real question I have here is, why? Why risk your reputation like that? Now every piece of work he’s ever done has doubt cast upon it.

Someone tell this woman that nobody in my social circles knows who she is married to because:

Fuck this shit! That $18 billion in wall money would be better spent making a 21st century electrical grid for Puerto Rico.

Color me fucking shocked that the contractors bidding to build this heinous monstrosity are, indeed, unsavory characters.

It’s a bit hilarious to watch him fall from grace somehow how you’d expect (though normally you would hope that the entirely unqualified nepotism appointment into the White House would fail because of job incompetency and not somewhat-but-not-entirely unrelated investigation because it suggests without the

She produced a child who thought that torture was A-OK, opened wars in two countries that had not attacked the US, falsified data to support one of the wars, and spent not one second on post-war management planning. The other child weighed in on the grief of a husband at the loss of his wife to extend his suffering in

“Hell of a way to run a network. I’ll run the country the same way!”

I don’t know. Occam’s razor says the whole thing’s more likely part of a liberal conspiracy to prevent Fox from revealing evidence of Hillary’s murder of Seth Rich because he was about to blow the whistle on the Pizzagate pedophiles’ involvement in Benghazi.

When those people are only where they are because your network president and most famous on-air talent were fired for sexually harassing other co-workers, which caused your second most famous co-worker to jump ship to a lower paying job she’s less qualified for, I think your perspective on what qualifies as an ethics

When your co-workers are openly saying “I’m glad you’ve embroiled yourself in an ethics scandal to distract the public from my own ongoing ethics scandal.”, it’s entirely possible there’s an ethics problem with the organization as a whole.

We really are heading for the point where, any day now, Trump is going to start tweeting about the need to protect our precious bodily fluids, aren’t we?

I would have preferred he not get bail. He straight up tried to kill a child.

I’ll try not to get too happy about just charges being brought, but it sounds as though the judge who issued the restraining order and the D.A. at least have their heads straight with this one so far. Lock this murderous racist piece of shit away.

Always nice when a criminal keeps all the evidence instead of destroying it. I wonder if he kept it in a file labeled “All my illegal dealings”.

If Trump really cared about the suffering of the Syrian people, why have only 11 refugees been accepted this year?

Pfft. Going to war. If Trump really wants to distract from Comey’s book, he should release his taxes and the pee tape, admit he owes billions to Russian oligarchs, and then hang himself. That’d show him!

I have a love/hate relationship with unions, but THIS is why we need them. Good on them.