
Like this, for example:

This piece is objectively kinder to Ivanka than she deserves

Here we have President Diaper, a fussy young infant who rarely sleeps through the night uninterrupted—and is known

Wait, what’s the difference between the day a Jet is drafted and the day a Jet is disgraced?

When you’re a Jet you’re a Jet all the way/From the day you are drafted till the day you are arrested or disgraced or whatever.. um, day!

Man’s too stupid to even hide his corruption. 2 hometown contractors for hundreds of millions of dollars now?

Sadly, none of this shit shocks me anymore.

My guess is they had someone else with legit credentials already slated who dropped out, scrambled to find a replacement, and didn’t have time to properly vet.

President Donald Trump, a cocktail wiener that rolled under the couch and is now covered in cat hair...

Intentional or not, this is kind of an anti-Semitic, white supremacist response.

Sister Wife

Have they confirmed yet whether he received permission from the mother?

“So you can’t talk about it any more or even mention it, it’s totally gone from my permanent record as a human being.” Yep. Sure, Bubba, sure.

His fucking answer to the question is infuriating

 “Neither Have Nor Use One’s Historical Memory” seems to be a ground zero guiding behavioral rule for these fascists.

Ha! Good catch.

They should have just used the classic Trump excuse of, “that happened years ago, when he was a younger man”.

Alabama whites have been demanding they change the photo back

These nurses and doctors looks like crisis actors.

Well, at least the US Government tracks and monitors white supremacist groups as potential terrorists so that they can stop this in the future OH FUCKING WAIT NO THEY DON’T BECAUSE THE FUCKING ASSHOLES IN CHARGE DON’T THINK WHITE SUPREMACISTS ARE ALL THAT BAD OF PEOPLE.