
Cops aren’t known for being smart, inquisitive, etc.

So, Nassar gave cops 20 pages of musculoskeletal anatomy that included 5 pages of images showing a patient wearing underwear demonstrating treatment with a doctor wearing latex gloves and these cops just shrugged. Maddening.

Trump calling for everyone to agree on supporting his destructive policies is not a call for bipartisanship.

Why the GOP has not kicked him off the ticket is mind-boggling

Because they don’t care. To them, Nazis means votes, which means power away from the leftists. That is all they care about.

Yeah. They are making their move right now. And who the fuck is going to stop them.

Rise, O great Cthulhu, and deliver us from these lesser evils

Holy shit.

If we don’t see a blue wave in November, if we even make it that far, we are witnesses to the collapse of western civilization.

He’s a neo-Nazi. A literal, dyed in the wool neo-Nazi. He interacts daily with neo-Nazi accounts. Some of the biggest neo-Nazi accounts on Twitter are his followers and he follows them back! He interacts with them. He has multiple neo-Nazis in official or unofficial roles on his campaign.

Ah, but Berlin was about keeping people in, giving them reason to stay for political reasons. Trumpanzee’s policy on Puerto Rico is about driving people out, starving them do death if they stay, and done for private corporations’ benefit.

The people in Berlin had the privilege of being White.

We kept fucking Berlin fed for over a year just kicking stuff out of the back of airplanes but we can’t figure out how to sustain aid to our own citizens? Christ on a cracker.

Yeah, we all kmow Domald J. Trunp mever does amything like that.

It’s almost as if a bunch of adolescent “C” students have been placed in control of the country.

Listen Pay attention to me because I’m bad at my job may sound like an awful plan, but Trump rode it to the Presidency, so may she has a point?

Izzo’s press conference Friday was just shameful.

I’m just saying relative to everyone else who pretends like everything is awesome, at least she’s willing to acknowledge slightly that the emperor is butt ass naked.

Well, time to put my money where my mouth is.