
That would take a sense of self awareness or shame. These creeps are only sorry that they were caught.

Well yeah, what with their busy schedule of inflaming the basest fears of their elderly and white core demographic, who has time to engage in things like reason or truth?


She’s failing - and flailing - hence the reverting to the thing that worked for her talentless ass the first go round.

But like, this isn’t a matter of “Obviously, she’s racist, she’s a conservative” it’s “We literally have thousands of hours of her being on TV, she’s clearly an asshole”.

Omarosa and she should hang out.

I feel like any LGBTQ person who voted for him needs more education

Good point, but, regardless of whether he/she was Bruce or Caitlyn, Jenner has always been a self centered asshole who could care less about hurting others by her selfishness.

It was a little amusing how some in the LGBTQ community and their supporters, truly believed that a man who has been a raging bigot his entire life wouldn’t become bigoted against them if it suited his plans.

“Oh well, at least I got my tax break.”

Those guys should get together with the folks still waiting for that “Presidential Pivot” and spend some time in self-reflection.

Remember when some people in the LGBTQ circle were going on about how great Trump would be for them because he wasn’t outright spouting vitriol toward them (yet) despite the fact that his running mate was Mike “Totally-For-Gay-Conversion-Therapy” Pence? How’d that work out?

i think fetuses should get guns so they can protect themselves against abortion by killing the host, if need be.

At 1:03 - “The President instructed his administration to to make the recent crime wave a top priority.”

It takes their base a really long time to learn new things. Repetition is the key.

This whole word-of-the-week thing they’ve got going on with ‘complicit’ is something to behold.

I didn’t know we could elect teams to Congress. This totally changes the game for me and how I vote.

As is the case in most every American bureaucracy, it’s the people with the deepest pockets that gain the ears of those with any power.

...which feeds the poverty cycle. No bank means higher fees for alternative banking options. No bank also means less/bad credit history which results in higher borrowing costs. All of this means they have less money at the end of the month. It’s almost as if starting out poor significantly disadvantages you.

...and people wonder why poor folks avoid banks.