
Nixon’s Secretary of Defense, James Schlesinger, ordered the Pentagon to verify any emergency orders or nuclear attacks with Henry Kissinger or Schlesinger himself when Nixon was drinking heavily and Watergate was closing in on him. I wonder if Mattis’s “suicide pact” extends as far as safeguarding our nukes

We only have 900?

“Where’s the button?” *starts mashing keys with his stubby fingers, indiscriminately*

and contains instructions on how to carry out a strike, locations that can be targeted with the country’s 900-some nukes, a radio transmitter, and authentication codes.

This should not shock anyone. Given a fresh start and carte blanche, I think anyone would want to wash away all the shitty things in their past. The important part of this is that it shows she was aware of her previous shittiness.

Cheeto frequently brags either about how he’s great pals with all the generals...or that he doesn’t need the generals, because he knows so much more about power and war and dominance (and similarly tough topics for manly men) than they do.

Good. What the hell is the matter with this man, and more importantly, his lawyer?

Well, with Fredrick Douglas stealing the limelight...

“Satan’s plan was working.”

And, because they don’t possess a single ounce of decency or self respect, every single one of them would go running back to their beloved Fuhrer in an instant if he so much as batted his eyes their way.

Calling omarosa a “communications staffer” is being super generous

Listen. James Harrison may be a sanctimonious blowhard, but he also strikes me as the kind of dude you don’t want to give any extra motivation to fuck you up.

I always thought Joey Porter was an abject moron, but I stand corrected. At least he was smart enough not to wake Harrison up.

When will the Library of Congress admit that Trump is useless and awful?

We still can’t letthat outrageous slop be normalized, though.

Did we really think the pig who started his campaign slandering Mexicans would look more kindly on other non-Ivanka nationalities?

Par for the course for Annoying Orange Hitler.

They did that because the US press let’s them get away with it. Some of these shit birds the day-glo dictator nominated to ambassadorships are about to find out that the international press is far less tame.

It is impressive how, to cover their lies, the GOP has gone from the usual strategy of trying playing semantics to just a flat out denial of any reality regardless of what proof exists.