
I hope a woman gets hired in place of him.

Not sure why Curt chose to “@” Donald Trump in those last 2 tweets.

corporation? How about the voters of America?

I think it’s safe to say any major corporation in America would wet themselves over the opportunity to hire as their president someone with no training or education and little pertinent background or experience as long as they proved they could look at 2 iPads simultaneously.

Remember when people laughed at us when we said this administration would move to fascism and destroy democracy in the US?

It’s been all down hill since WKRP got cancelled.

50% win record. 3 ties. No playoff wins in 15 years. Gross Chili on everything. parking in Kentucky.

IT was 35 years ago and he denied it. Nonstory. Clearly nothing happened.

Stylistically, with that hair and suit, this guy can only be one of three things:

In all seriousness I agree. This in and of itself is harmless, but if a guy in his position is this reckless, I’d doubt he knows boundaries in his professional life either.

In other news, Dan Johnson killed himself.

In order to have “continued success” wouldn’t you have to at least had “some success” to begin with?

Why would a high level exec tweet at porn stars and escorts at all? And a VP of media no less?!? It’s no secret that twitter is a public forum. Even DM’s can mistakenly be tweeted for the whole world to see.

That... actually seems legit if trump was involved.

“Somebody get me Steve Harvey...”

Is Ben Carson ever not asleep?

This is about Alabama guys, the black vote carried the night and Trump blames her because they are all friends of hers and she couldn’t get them to vote for him.

token black for photo-ops when ben carson is asleep?

You can’t just fire someone in the White House like this without having a replacement ready to immediately take over the position.

.00984% of the time it works every time.