
Where’s Condi been for the last 2 years while the Republicans did everything possible to help Trump get in the White House?

Can’t even make it to the winter meetings. Jeets is showing about as much range as GM as he did at shortstop.

Trump *wants* more bullets. He *wants* a war. Destroying the State Department is perfectly in line with this goal. He’s probably doing it on accident though.

Here’s a though, maybe the EU and China could step up to the plate and grow a pair, reach deep into their wallets and pay out a significant portion of their economy like US taxpayers do if they are so concerned. If they are feeling really generous and concerned maybe they could spend as much as the fed does on

I think the millisecond you mention refugees Trump and his administration instantly stop listening. They just don’t give a fuck about refugees and give only a fraction of a fuck about Americans (especially their rube supporters in Cult 45), because that’s what “tough businessmen” do.

Trigger Warning!

The US picked a really bad time for foreign disengagement. UNHCR is barely coping with the basic needs of innumerable refugees right now, and it’s hard to conceive of a solution — even partial — that doesn’t feature US involvement.

A corporate giant hijacking our public lands debate to sell more products to wealthy elitist urban dwellers from New York to San Francisco

Not to mention that the CTE that they are all getting will kill plenty of them (and a few of their loved ones) before they are old enough for social security. There’s that.

I can’t believe this website ever employed that chotch. Also, that screencap is fucking amazing

I just read (in a Time article?) it was at 32% How reliable is the Morning Consult/Politico poll?

It’s a testament to the fact that he DOESN’T SEE WOMEN. He doesn’t recognize us as people. It’s like he sees only a vague outline of something that’s there for his use. Nobody who considers women as equals is capable of thinking that asking your underlings “Hey, do you want to bear my children?” is NOT sexual

I swear to fucking Christ. How can anyone be so stupid and/or arrogant to make policy decisions that affect entire countries without even understanding whats going on?

Middle Class Mash-o-matic not required. It’s simply a return to “people are property,” with the GOP spending lives in exchange for cash from their donors.

This really bugs the crap out of me. It’s not just that it’s inhuman to treat people like garbage because they’re homeless. It’s a betrayal of men and women who fought for the ideals you pretend to espouse.

From the NYT article:

ahh, I love me some anti semitism. Keep up the good work Rafi. Inshallah

No shit - this is exactly why my wife and I moved from Iowa City to Washington this year. Even in the most liberal city in Iowa, the subtle white supremacy has been building for a while. After Trump was elected it seemingly became more acceptable to share your disgusting deportation wet dreams.

As someone who grew up in NW Iowa and bolted for the Twin Cities as soon as I was able, this is exactly correct

I guarantee that these are the kinds of dudes who lament the fact that all the literate young people leave Northwest Iowa for Des Moines or Omaha at the very least, if not the Twin Cities or Chicago.