
I’d be all for him refusing the “honor” if his reasoning for his protest wasn’t, y’know, horseshit.

Which is: don’t protest.

“I fought to protect the freedoms you enjoy in this country, so you better stop fucking enjoying them!”

Since he is going on Sean Hannity’s show it sounds like he would rather cry with the sinners than laugh with the Saints 

The NFL has a demographics problem, just like all major sports. I hate to be on the ‘anti-Millennial’ bandwagon, but the reality is that they don’t consume live sports with the same frequency as earlier generations. Live sports seem unable to attract their attention and they rarely if ever watch complete games. (I

That’s Trump’s next judicial nominee.

I can’t with the stupid today...

Insulated as they are from the financial repercussions of their decisions, the oligarchs who own NFL teams can take snap decisions like this, on a whim. Their stadiums are sold out, they each get a huge, equitable chunk of TV money that covers their operating expenses and guarantee profits. Sure they want to win, but

Jabba the Hut has no science knowledge?

What’s the big deal? It’s been 32 whole days since bump stocks were last used to mow down hundreds of people. Clearly we as a nation have learned our lesson and will now only use them in a responsible manner.

That should do it. At long last, I do believe we’ve finally and truly reached peak Browns.

Holy shit! You go, Bob.

Watch the full speech if you can find the time.

Reporters couldn’t tell if Trump noticed or not.

Love that expression. It makes my business idea of selling pitchforks on Ebay a possibility.

Reminds me of my favorite saying: “I can’t wait for his generation to fucking die.”

What with this, the kneeling and #metoo, it must be really hard to be a rich white dude these days. Apart from the superconcentration of wealth since 2008, the deregulation, the tax breaks, the removal of health and safety protections that makes workers so darned expensive and the ability to live above the law, it’s

Well you know the old saying, Old Rich White Guys are Racist Assholes.