
It’s a weird question, in that HUD is not FEMA.

Carson is a creep. Could you imagine him being your doctor. Ugh.

If one accepts that climate change is inevitable at this point, reports like this one can point folks in the right direction to harm reduction strategies. Why build a wall in the desert when we should be building them along the coasts, Zuiderzee Works style?

Is John Skipper good at his job, objectively? I’m seriously asking because the last 2 years or so have been a shitshow in just terms of PR and image for the network. Maybe my memory fails me, but I don’t remember the fuck-ups being this frequent.

What evil fucking people.

He didn’t cause any disgrace to the SEALs. They did a fantastic job outing the guy so definitively. He did a pretty nice job disgracing himself and everyone who backed him up, though. Brava.

John Kelly seems to have an awfully selective memory.

“Trump’s New Children” has a sorta spot-on ring about it, eh?

Arpaio’s attorneys argued that the pardon nullified the conviction, and therefore, it should be erased. “The whole case gets undone,” his lawyer, Jack Wilenchik, said.

It almost makes me want to start a blog to track every explicit claim like that and see if any of them materialize. (Spoiler warning: doubt it)

It’s a bullying tactic, he claims to have “proof” in order to intimidate his target.

“Democrat Congresswoman totally fabricated what I said to the wife of a soldier who died in action (and I have proof). Sad!”



Yeah, it seems fairly obvious that once she gets out of her Fox News bubble, she is totally unable to interact with others or even to display vaguely human mannerisms.

Bingo. Does the stink of Fox News ever wash off?

And I am here for it.

Megan Kelly on The Today Show, which my grandfather, who fought in WWII, used to watch, makes me want to barf.

Hes only “invulnerable” as it stands now because with him in office the GOP control the executive branch, the house, and the senate. They know that as long as he is there there is a reasonable chance that he will sign whatever garbage legislation they try to ramrod down our throats. They are letting him sit because it