
You forgot to add in where cops nationwide defend this while they get all sanctimonious about how they’re the thin blue line and no one can possibly understand the stress the job puts them through, so people need to cut them some slack when they gun down a deaf man with a metal cane.

Go up to man with stick. Claim you’re scared of stick. Kill man. Enjoy paid vacation. Claim murdered man was “no angel”. Collect extra overtime quelling the protests after you’re cleared of any wrong doing.

Sooo fucking pathetic they’ve bitched an moaned about Obamacare for god knows how long, screaming they’ll replace it with something better. You finally get your shot with a majority gov’t through all branches and what have you got to show, WHAT HAVE YOU FUCKING DONE IN THOSE YEARS LEADING UP TO THIS? You have nothing

Nothing says Constitutional Freedoms more than legal decisions based on teachings from the bible.

I wonder sometimes what happened to these people to make them so goddamn hateful. It kindof makes me feel sorry for them. But if I ever met this guy, I would definitely kick him in the penis.

Problem with the ruling class indeed!

I’m thankful for this stupidity. We all should be. I wish more were this damn dumb. Down the line, it may save our lives.

EXACTLY! We know these imbeciles are imbeciles, but how imbecilic do you have to be to do something that ... imbecilic?

Not to be racist about men who look like the stupidest of the three little pigs, but why do they ALL look like that? Little tiny nose, little piggy eyes, extra chins, skin the texture and color of spoiled milk, and an overall smugness that I’d like to smack off his greasy face. Yeah, single is no surprise, he hasn’t

Seems like once again he’s spouting off about shit he’s clueless of or violating trust with UK by speaking about something he’s not supposed to. Any day now we will have no real allies in the world, and China will be the closest thing we have to a ‘friend’ because we owe them so much money.

Another video of a bunch of pussies acting like cowards, committing murder.

Without watching the video, if the guy raises a gun, you get behind your cover, and if the subject actually fires the gun, then you unload on him. Otherwise you continue trying to deescalate until the subject surrenders.

The release of this footage sets a dangerous precedent that jeopardizes police officers’ due process rights and confidentiality protections under state law. The district attorney’s investigation into the case is still ongoing — it should be allowed to proceed free of pressure and interference, looking at all of the

The fantastic lack of weapons discipline in this video is insane!!!!! Just utter garbage. They look like 14 year old jackasses playing cops.

Being a scumbag, yet thinking everyone is out to destroy you is privilege at its best.

This shit right here is so fucking stupid. If you think racism is dead, police across the country do a fantastic job and definitely don’t target people, or that voter suppression is an issue we still face today, then you’re a white supremacist. Not because you necessarily believe the white race is superior, but

The irony of President Trump and his ilk being able to spout of whatever bullshit they like with zero consequence because they’re just “tellin it like it is” while literally anyone that says anything against them has to apologize and grovel for fear of an angry backlash from mouth-breathing morons is... well, I don’t

This is the level of incompetency that has become the hallmark of the trump admininstration.

I think I speak for everyone when I write: Trump has a social media manager?

“Miami Airport is going to build a seawall and Mexico City Airport is gonna pay for it!”