
I worked with a dreamer in the shipyard. As soon as he became one, he went for his citizenship cause he wasn’t afraid anymore. He was a great welder, hard worker, and could layout pipe like anyone’s business. His english was OK. I work now with a Cambodian guy. He came over here knowing barely any English,

Latino trumpanzees are the shameful “I got mine, so fuck you” types. The Uncle Ruckus of my people.

Must have been a great feeling for those Latinos who voted for Drumpfr.

gotta compensate for those little hands somehow......

American Hitler: never missing a chance to be a complete dick.

Nope, no racism here. We had a black president, so it’s all gone now.

One benefit of Trump is that the thin veneer has been pulled back, and the steaming pile of shit has been revealed.

The only solution is for us to break away from the United Nations and its rhetorical war of international aggression. We need to form our own organization to defend our heritage and ideology of national supremacy and states’ rights.

Working name of the organization is “Confederate Nations,” or “The Confederacy,” for

I am embarrassed to be an American with this dehydrated cheeto diarrhea for president

He purely CANNOT relate to women in their capacities as human beings. Christ, when will this guy end?

This is what should have been said: “My fellow Americans, today, in Charlottesville, VA, violence erupted causing the death of a woman and the injury of 19 people. This violence and the White Nationalists who marched into Charlottesville, VA, is not how American works, and I condemn the White Nationalists in the

His tweet is basically saying: “I read the script they gave me, but that’s still not good enough?! Fine, I’ll just lash out at my favorite target.”

This guy is like a walking HOW NOT TO handbook for public relations. At least his white supremacist base didn’t take his Monday makeup apology seriously, either? I guess that’s good news for Trump?

So let’s review Trump’s history addressing this situation:

Attempt #1: A tweet that said “Charlottesville sad!” and basically nothing else.

Attempt #2: A speech saying the violence was awful, but everybody does it so let’s not overreact and single the WS/Nazis out.

Attempt #3: A statement from the White House

Now playing

He will be as quick to condemn White Supremacists as he is to condemn Putin.

If this isn’t the prime example that (white) people who say “both whites and blacks are racist” or “there’s too much hate on all sides” do so in an attempt to make light of the hateful actions and policies perpetrated by white people, then I don’t know what is. This “many sides” or “all sides” rhetoric is just like

Wow! So much for the stereotype of the inarticulate black football player. What a freaking manifesto. As compared to:

It’s sad but it’s really gotten to the point where his actual stances on policies don’t even matter to me. It is just mind boggling/frustrating beyond words that the man CANNOT SPEAK. He just......can’t. It is so incredibly obvious that he is just not educated in any way whatsoever on the things that he is somehow in