
Fiscal “conservatism” like when Pence voted in favor of a pork barrel defense bill the Pentagon flat out told the House it didn’t want?

Republican politics. Solve for “X”

$1,600,000,000.00 in tax payers money just pissed away by the GOP. Republicans being fiscally conservative gets shot down for the hundredth time.

Full transparency: I’m deleting old tweets. Past views evolved & shouldn’t be a distraction. I serve @POTUS agenda & that’s all that matters.

Well American Hitler finally has his Goebbels—and it only took him half a year to make it so. I can just see Goebbels looking good in his well-cut suits as he appears on the news-ish shows laying down his snappy patter as he shills for American Hitler’s shit policies. The billionaire who is a self-made man is a good

Didn’t you know, Trump is an expert on missile lock:

This fucking guy... On missle lock.. that’s just lame.

It’s a GOLDEN gun, so it fits with Trump ethos.

i remember his dad...

i’m calling it now...this will be a firing weekend in DC.

I love this woman. She’s clever and got moxie.

While is definitely a positive thing, let us not forget that President Two Scoops signed a bill that allows mentally ill the ability to purchase guns.

I’m sorry are we living in Purge World now?

Right. Here in VT we recently went through something similar, with protesters opposing NG pipeline expansion.

“...going on to claim that booking her ticket with a seat assignment cost $10,000 of her time.”

Quite literally, no joke here or funny wit or satire... I’m more afraid of getting killed by a police officer than ANY gang, “thug”, robber, or anything of the like.

The scariest term in American English, “I’m a police officer, and I’m armed.”

This shouldn’t be a surprise. Says right there in Matthew 24:36 that none may know the hour of his return. Not even the angels in heaven or Tim himself. Only the Father knows.

There is no collusion between the Trump administration and the Russians.
Most rapes aren’t rape.
Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia.

As a survivor of rape myself…