
I look forward to the end of the Trump Administration for a lot of reasons but one of them is, hopefully, that celebrity culture and political culture will be slightly less intertwined with one another.

It’s not pathetic that the PresGoblin blocked some comedian. It’s pathetic that he checks his @s and #s frequently enough to catch people saying bad things about him. This must be a major time sink.

Dictators have this thing about not laughing at themselves. Always keep in mind, Hitler was considered a mustachioed funny little loon in 1928, the laughter ended in 1933.  

Saying all Muslims should be lumped in with terrorist is like saying that all college students should be lumped in with the Weathermen. Or that all Christians should be lumped in with the Branch Davidians and The People’s Temple. Or that all white men should be lumped in with the Unibomber and Timothy McVeigh. Or all

Until someone in the middle east stops the funding and arming (Mossad,CIA,Saudis) the more extreme sects of Islam, all Muslims will continue to be lumped together with the extremists.

Good, bees are just tiny, publicly accepted, terrorists. Hiding in cans of soda at the family reunion, waiting on the lawn for an unsuspecting barefoot child. Nowhere is safe.

Again. Embarasses America again.

Damn, White people are really willing to ride this ship until it’s at the bottom of the Mariana Trench. The brain-damaged Oompa-Loompa(had to steal that one from the root) in charge is literally counter-productive to everything and anyone in existence.

Racist white men are the most fragile, scared and sensitive people in the country, which I think has a lot to do with these fits and power trips.

Just another bad apple I suppose:

...Which he, only moments later, re-gifted to a staffer, stating, “There’s too many words, and they’re not even my kind of words. The best words are mine, not that guys. Give this to (pointing at a random staffer) that guy.” He then whispered to his son-in-law while walking away, “When we get back, bill him for that.”

Well, pretty much par for the course like Devos, Pruitt, Sessions, Perry.: A Sec ed that knows nothing about education, EPA director in the pocket of those destroying the environment, AG who doesn’t know how the Federal Judiciary works (Hawian judge? Preposterous!) Sec Energy who didn’t know his department controlled

These idiots just can’t stop publicly stroking themselves over their authoritarian fantasies.

Also, no women! Or out gay people! Nice!

Okay, his name is Wilbur. Wilbur.

When presented with the possibility that maybe people were, y’know, terrified of protesting, given the kingdom’s proclivity for jailing, and occasionallykilling, dissidents ... Ross admitted that “in theory that could be true.”

No, you have it wrong. Through these cuts, Trump (and Republicans) will be INCENTIVIZING the low income Americans to become more proactive in their own success which they will take more pride in because of their new, federally mandated, Can-Do spirit.

Elect Repubs, get your throat slit along with your neighbors. I can only hope this is a precursor to Cheetolini and the groveling Repub Congress gutting Obamacare (assuming they complete the task). I’m sure lots of that Medicaid/Obamacare assistance went to Trump voters also.