
Hateful and classless, sure. But I don’t think Orwell meant his work to be a blueprint.

Real mental gymnastics you’re doing to try to fit this scum to a political narrative. You have no shame.

My own farts smell like potpourri, so no problem.

Legal action? I don’t know what all the hubbub is, but if you’re employed by a private employer and you spread inflammatory literature throughout the organization urging coworkers to act in direct defiance to management, you can probably expect to be fired. Take your argument to the shareholders, take a real stand and

Regarding use of less-salty language, I had a Marine Corps Drill Instructor in Navy OCS who could employ “doggone” with surprising menace.

VAR would probably reverse that today - looked like a marginally forward pass the toward the end.

The women will never accept the same structure. They want equal PAY, not an equal structure. No, actually, they don’t even want equal pay, they want equal pay POTENTIAL. No matter how good the men may eventually get, they will never be able to dominate in the men’s game the way the women do against their competition.

The virtue signalling is so saccharine it’s truly off-putting.

I got one of the last XC70s they made, a proper AWD Swedish family truckster. It will occasionally yell at me loudly if I creep up on someone in anticipation of them exiting, and it will hit the brakes if I approach a toll gate a little too hot, but those are minor annoyances compared to what you’ve described. I’ve

I remember maybe 15 years ago playing Tiger Woods against some little shit kid who was using Tiger maxed out on ability, and I was just building a profile from scratch, and he would not stop heckling and insulting me as he thrashed me all over the course. Know what I did? I called the ADL to complain. Oh, wait, no...

I had something die under my front porch recently. I could tell by the smell and the increased concentration of flies in the area. Underneath my porch is pretty inaccessible, so rather than hire someone to come in and charge me an arm and a leg to remove it, I figured I’d just wait it out. Sure enough, the decomposing

Heck yeah, I’m with Hope. Give up the “job” and take the deal the men have: no salary, no guarantees, and the same exact percentage of the pots available to them. And if they want access to the bigger pots, well they’re just as good as the men, right? Better, even, from what I hear! We can have a head-to-head playoff

Ordering the fries “well done” helps.

Just one more overly complex thing the dealers are going to make a killing on in maintenance and repair.

This is going to be so hokey, and I am so in.

Your anecdote about “fuck Trump” is a completely unnecessary nonsequiter, so I’m guessing it never happened. Godwin’s Law V2: Bringing up Trump when it has nothing to do with what you’re talking about.

That anecdote up top didn’t happen.

I wanna hear him say, “It’s in the cup!”

Any criticism whatsoever of the political position held by some “people of color” and you’re automatically an overt racist. Gotcha.

Love a guy named “Bradley” arguing proper Spanish word choice with what appear to be native speakers.