
I can’t see one of those Hondas without thinking of a young Jan Smithers straddling one.

I have a ‘19 Tacoma, manual transmission, and I haven’t had the same experience. I have the Off Road version if that makes a difference. Slow? Sure, but I didn’t buy it to race my wife in her BMW. Uncomfortable? Maybe versus that BMW, but it’s a truck. It serves its purpose just fine.

*Allision. [/pedant]

Having worked on military aircraft, using Dawn as a lubricant is just clever.

If there’s only one gear, what’s up with the paddle shifters?

Rubbish rankings. Black Sabbath has like two songs worth a damn and a crazy frontman; Beach Boys have ALL THE SONGS, and a crazy genius.

Why is an outfielder wearing a child-sized glove that his hand can’t even fit inside? I’ve noticed this for years with infielders who obviously have some kind of Inside Baseball thing going to see who can use the tiniest glove and claim it helps them field grounders better, but there’s no good reason an outfielder

I had a job that I’d say was right up there with this: dock hand at a marina. Talk about nice weather and dicking around with your buddies. Add in the occasional bikini-clad boater’s daughter.

I like the crafty backhanded defense of GW Bush, but to ignore Carter’s role in Reagan’s election, Clinton’s role in GWB’s election, and Obama’s role in Trump’s election makes your political analysis disingenuous, to say the least. One extreme leads to another, which leads to another extreme, etc., etc., etc. I’m

Complaining about it from a Title IX angle was never going to gain any traction. Football would have trumped any other sport, male or female.

He probably sulks whenever he sees a red & white checkered jersey.

I’m talking about this particular incident. I saw at least one protestor flee with some urgency. I saw a bunch of others make a poor cost/benefit analysis and bring a bunch of blunt instruments to what was obviously going to be a gun fight.

He who fights and runs away, lives to fight another day...

I don’t know, if I’m a protester and a mob of cops starts running in my direction with guns drawn, and my options are “start swinging a metal pipe at armed police” or “run away,” I think discretion would be the better part of valor.

Death threats is exactly what you wanted to see happen when you wrote, “If this mysterious soccer player wants fans to be loud and proud in their support of Trump, he should lead by example and attach his name to what he says.”

Why do you want him to out himself? What would you hope to happen to him if he were to?

By “anti-fascist,” are you really saying anti-conservative? Because I bet that’s what THEY would say. But what’s more “fascist?” Understanding that others have opposing political views, even if you disagree with them? Or threatening violence to stifle dissent?

Don’t be obtuse. In and of itself, the image of a swastika is also “in no way threatening.” But much like a swastika evokes certain feelings, I get a definite “I’ll kick your ass if you dare to disagree with me politically” vibe from an Iron Front flag.

You likened it to a toaster. They were apparently right... all of this has happened before...

So this person has displayed a desire to murder and you want to set her up for a career of handling scissors around people’s necks???