
My mother’s crap disposal clogged up on potato peels once and was a cast-iron B to clean out. In my own house, I sprung for the top of the line, 1-hp three-stage model, and it will eat just about anything, potato peels included.

Trotting out kids for political purposes is bullshit.

I’m getting the sense that this Alexiou kid is a bit of a jackass and has caused his coach a lot of trouble. He’s that one kid that takes up 90% of the adults’ time with his bullshit. So the coach’s text seems kind of tame in that context, and also a bit clever. What’s Alexiou claiming? That the coach hurt his

That’s one weird-ass jaw on that first lady.

Twenty percent is standard for “decent” service? Bullshit. And I worked in the industry in my younger years. I would never expect that much unless I really went all out.

I’m extremely weary of the ignorance of just about everyone regarding the support for taxing “the rich.” These proposals are for taxing high earners, not for taxing the truly rich. It’s why the wealthy get behind these politicians... because they know they’re safe. All these kinds of tax plans would do would be to

Who else heard/saw that first few seconds and thought, “Ooh, Benny Hill!”?

Lawzy, those things are ugly.

Now that more details are out that I’ve seen with my own eyes, I’m patiently waiting for an update to this. Ha, I kid! I know anything that might exonerate this child and just might indict a group spewing incendiary hatred at children doesn’t fit your narrative. ;)

Because it is. But gotta stir people up as much as possible, so let’s not only make this a post associating the team with Nazis, but also with the Confederacy.

Yes, but he does it in a way to make it sound like the team in the locker room was doing nothing but peacefully protesting racism, ergo these other kids were counter-protesting a protest against racism, meaning they’re obviously racist monsters. LEARN HOW TO FUCKING READ YOU FUCKING MORON!!!#%(^

It involves squatting and putting one’s testicles onto another person’s forehead.”

I don’t care if he had to carry his head off the court in a bucket if him staying in the game helped beat Duke.

PB is for drinkers, OB is for stoners. If South Beach Bar & Grill (in OB) is still doing Taco Tuesday, their fish tacos are the best, Jerry, the best.

How naive is it to just assume someone using a female name is actually a female, with zero other supporting evidence? I mean, haven’t men been impersonating women online since the first bbs? Or would healthy skepticism like that just get in the way of all the outrage to be had?

He named his son Ulysses? What. A. Poseur. Jackass.

If German, that’s close, but more MEN-GEH-DOTE.


Back in the 20th century, if you didn’t bring lunch money, you didn’t eat. Not many kids I knew forgot their lunch money more than once.