
Iranian is a nationality, not a race.

How many times are we “only going to have a decade left” to fix the supposed problem? If the alarmism would stop, then perhaps more people would take it seriously.

It’s impossible to get alternative accommodations on zero notice during the playoffs. The hotels are booked solid. So what do they do? Tell the Red Sox the Yankees can’t play them because they’re taking sides in a union beef? Offer to move the games? How would those union jackasses feel about their beloved Sawks

That’s one nasty looking thumb.

Congratulations on having kids who sound like they can control themselves and don’t fly into fits of rage at the suggestion that gaming time is over. All kids are not like that.

HBO has been around for 45 years? Damn I’m old.

Your assertion that “beliefs aren’t facts” would seem diametrically opposed to your belief that he is guilty based on nothing more than a vague allegation some 35 years after the supposed fact.

Rivers did a great solo acoustic cover of A-Ha’s Take on Me on tour this summer.

Tax it all away immediately? I mean, we all know which way the wind blows with you, but do you have Amazon Prime? Or do you even just patronize Amazon for anything? If so, then STFU, hypocrite.

Two for flinching...

Now playing

I’m just saying when something goes wrong, the pilot generally blames the ground crew. I once had a pilot order me to not arm a rack that held a cargo blivet. What was in that blivet, you might wonder? He and his back seater’s golf clubs.

Sure, commentator #3, blame the damned ordie. How about don’t shake the fucking weapon on the rack? Any ordie you know hang on a missile (or blue-tube in this case) and shake it after they loaded it? Buncha dipshits watching too much fucking Top Gun.

In a more civilized time, one would wait at least until the body was cold before shitting all over a dead person.

Beth has her knickers in a twist because she goes to comic book stores, so the stereotype isn’t true. Perhaps on her next visit to such a store, she should look left, then look right. Some stereotypes are stereotypes for a reason.

11 years old. Bike race among neighborhood kids. My chain was loose and came off the rear sprocket mid-race, but it did that frequently enough that I was pretty expert at putting it back on. I was leading the race, and I damn sure wasn’t going to let those other dipshits beat me, so I hopped off, leaned on my seat and

Gee, I never would have guessed that Paul Walker was a douchey guy. But what’re you gonna do, dig him up and wag your finger at him? Jesus, don’t you have enough living people to go after?

Grasp, grasp, grasp...

On the one hand, it lowers one’s environmental footprint. But on the other, energy savings can be put toward powering The Strip??? Kind of a mixed message you’re sending there.

Does Ozil consider himself a German or a Turk? I mean, he was born in Germany, so why the cozying up? Seems conveniently timed with his descent into mediocrity. Would he be such an outspoken critic of supposed racism if he was still a decent player?

Ozil is not an immigrant.