
Ha, I saw the headline and wondered just how riled up the SJWs would get with something like this.

Your ignorance is startling, but especially so regarding #19.

I’m sure you’re aware that your handle contains a dated reference to Native Americans that some would consider to be a slur. You must be a horrible person. Actually, the more I think about it, the more I’m convinced, you are definitely a racist.

You get paid by the word, don’t you?

Nah, can’t be “mansplaining,” my wife says that shit to me all the time.

Sure, insensitive, ignorant, provocative, reprehensible, pick whatever other adjective you like. But what interests me is that the British police are apparently looking for them to “take appropriate action.” What the hell does that mean? I mean, I guess I’m just a provincial colonist, ignorant of British law these

So many people now start a comment with “nope” or “no,” as if to say, “Jane, you ignorant slut, you are a misinformed moron... the truth is, ....” A simple, “Actually, they clean because.....” would have been much more civil.

Not Nazi Germany, but....

F all that, I absolutely LOVE seeing professionals put to the test. I love it even more when it puts them on tilt. I don’t like tuning in to see everyone on Sunday sitting -20 any more than I’d want to watch a football team rack up 70 points. No sport is fun to watch without any defense, and I find it much more

Grasping so hard.

Hold on a sec... how the hell do you “simulate” lunar dust? And why is NASA so paranoid about outside sources analyzing the real stuff?

Had you stayed home and watched that shit on TV, would it have been a District Taco?

Ha, ha, ha. This site shaming another site vis-a-vis clickbait? Pot, kettle.

Door’s right over there, buddy.


This guy played lacrosse in college? And presumably graduated? Without learning the basics of the English language and grammar. I’m guessing Hofstra.

Come for the sports articles, be driven away by the left wing partisan bullshit.


MMA may be similar, but wrestling (not “wrasslin’”) has to be number one for inducing flatulence. Maybe not the matches, but practices, where you get squeezed, twisted, and otherwise contorted for a couple of hours? Blammo.

I hate to tell you, but I’m pretty sure these people are not Christians.