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Seriously where are all the shows about white 20/30 year olds living in Silver Lake?

seems to me most directors have been more interested in the Joker than Batman in the films made featuring both.

yeah and ya know Aykroyd can be a bit over the top and hammy but I bet if he really put his best efforts into it he could have a respected second-half career like his old pal Murray.

why won't Dan Aykroyd let his old films RIP like his partner?

I watched a little of one of her specials recently and when hashtags started appearing on screen without irony I knew I should not continue. #notcontinue

No that was for Belushi.

from that America's Got Talent clip she seems pretty good at impressions. Having never seen that show…. what is with that audience? They're reacting like she just came out on stage and announced she cured cancer, poverty, AIDS, etc. Holy crap……

yeah. you're right.

i actually really, really loved Donkey Kong Jr. cereal. Unlike most tie-in cereals that are essentially just some other cereal (Cap'n Crunch in Donkey Kong's case) passed off as the tie-in, Donkey Kong Jr. cereal didn't have a similar counterpart on the cereal market.

seen them many times that Marissa can play the hell out of that there guitar.

how much does AMC pay the AV Club to promote this show? AV Club constantly has updates and news about this show nobody is watching. Not even the people who work at AMC are watching.

Suddenly I have A new admiration for Jennifer garner…..

I thought that was Corky Guest was playing the second I saw it. Also Coolidge's character feels a lot like her Best in Show character. A little bummed Catherine O'Hara and Eugene Levy aren't on board but looks like it'll be pretty good.

Well at the end of the movie it does say Ghostbusters: Answer the Call as the title already so not a big surprise. I'm sure the extended version has them putting back into the movie that stupid dance sequence they show during the end credits. When I saw that I thought thank god they cut that out.

I can believe that. I mean that cast is amazing. There's a book about the making of the film that Mel Brooks co-wrote coming out in October. Should be good.

Young Frankenstein is a perfect film. Everything about it is perfect. Cinematography. Cast. Music. Tone. Script. When people talk of Brooks and Wilder mostly they go for Blazing Saddles. I still think Young Frankenstein is far and away a much better film. It belongs on lists with Citizen Kane, et al.

that's probably best explanation. but it does still seem weird, y'know? I mean it was obvious to me that having him watch her kids was gonna be punishment and she knew it.

Oh I never watch the "next week on…" Things so I had no idea.

I can't see that lasting for the long run. it feels like she's gonna let him down big time.

that scene where he laid into Abbott was awesome. I was sure they were setting it up for him to blow it (Russell's insult strategy.) But i burst out laughing when he started in and it was pitch perfect.