Hide Your Sheep

Wait that was "totally" fake?

How come no one ever mocks Silver Lake hipsters?

Damn is it April 1st already?

How about some new episodes of Diff'rent Strokes where we learn how Willis is dealing with his entire family being dead? Every week someone could ask him why he's so sad and he could respond "my whole family is dead" followed by their response "whatchu talkin' 'bout Willis?"

his music is, for me, like Tom Waits' music…. in that I like the songs a whole lot better when other people perform them.

when are they gonna do an episode of "How Did This Get Made?" about Ass Backwards?

I actually do have one. They are pretty cool. Had somebody far more tech savvy than me with that stuff open it up and make it HD friendly and added more games, etc.

honestly this makes me wanna read the book more than see the movie

Screw this, I'm saving my money for a new Intellivision

I'm just surprised he mentioned AV Club somewhere and they didn't write one hundred newswire articles about it (aka SNL.)

geez for a second there I thought the main photo up top from Son's Room was from a (unnecessary) remake of the 1979 Ivan Retiman classic Meatballs……

are these even reviews? i feel like i'm just reading a very detailed recap.

try telling that to the makers of "Larger Than Life."

except for height i guess Dinklage looks absolutely nothing at all like Herve. No other little people actors around to take on the role that bear a little more resemblence?

look she's got a new show on some random cable network that probably very few people are watching. comments like this surely translate to some kind of bump in ratings, right…… right? Oh and big pat on her back for having a joke about WWII. She's really paving the way in comedy.

script probably too smart for both parties.

see someone not too long made a comment that either way his career/legacy is ruined. this just proves it's not. there are people out there who will go see him if he gets off (and I have a feeling he's gonna.) feel free to make lame jokes cause I used the term "gets off."

Didn't know these two comic legends created the term "Cuh-Caine". Here I just thought it was every comedian and actor since like 1988. Thanks for clearing that up AV Club.

It's Boobs In California. If you're gonna make mention of the greatest pop song since the Beatles make sure ya get it right.

like Stephen Colbert I guess, huh?