Hide Your Sheep

I like Anna Faris. Think she's funny. Never occurred to me that the character she plays in Just Friends is essentially the same character she plays in Lost in Translation.

isn't she on that sitcom Moms?

yeah i just recently read that comic, too. it was really bad. that film would've never been a hit. I think the story goes that Lucas' USC pals Huyuck & Katz stepped in and helped a lot with the script. Which would make sense, based on their work with American Graffiti (not based on their work on Howard the Duck.)

I'm sorry to do this but those quotes from Cruise sound very…. Trumpian.

his legacy to most of us true Qweef ….but you know there are still sh*theads who would go see him perform live if he was in town.

I think the pee thing should come first in explaining who she is.

"The jerk store called and they're all out of you" - Ben Sasse

Langer's is pretty awesome. And if ya just pull up they'll bring your food right to your car. But I like sitting next to some homeless people and bird crap in MacArthur and people watch while I eat my sandwich.

but Showtime gave us It's Garry Shandling's Show

how can something be Dead On Arrival if it never arrived?

i really want to like this show. that first episode was a bit of a chore to get through. hopefully it gets a little more interesting.

Get Out 2: Get Outter

someone needs to start saying No to Lorne Michaels every time he decides a tune by his BFF Paul Simon is going to be used.

they tried to spin him off that show into his own show. I think it even aired. Buddies or something. I dunno. It was bad.

They might pork, Rusty…..

is Paul Feig directing that one?

every movie mentioned in that line-up sounds like a massive headache of unoriginality. Way to go Warners!

the concert film would be cool to see. had that been released before? Maybe on…. VHS?

The keyboard component they're referring to isn't the one you had. I had the one you had, the ECS, the gray one. That was essentially released to make up for the not releasing the original one nationwide. It was kind of useless I agree. But the one they're talking about had the tape player built in.

The Intellivision was a great system for it's time. Very innovated. It created some things that are just standard today. Downloading games (PlayCable), simulated societies (Utopia), voice capabilities (Intellivoice), 16-direction control (control disc), programming various plays in sports game (NFL Football),