
You will also have to run this test using a couple of different people, I will offer you my services

I just made some peach syrup out of some seconds from where I work, I am thinking vodka, the homemade peach syrup and sprite. .i have some testing to do

P.S. can you please ungrey me?

you do know if you microwave peanut butter you can just pour kt over your bowl of ice cream right? Please tell me you know this already. The best part is that once the peanut butter cools down from a non poreable state it reverts back to regular old peanut butter with no harm done.

I use dried powdered morrels that I collect in the spring in slot of dishes, no one can figure out why my burgers are so good

I often do work as a stage hand and backstage is always has free catering. Unfortunately the bands get to pick the meal choices, I just did five days of shows at our local fair and every band picked the same meal! 

I have a KFC/A&W combo where I live, my mash up is french fries and cheese curds from the A&W menu and a side of gravy from the KFC menu

I have a KFC/A&W combo nearby, I order cheese curds and french fries from the A&W menu and a side of gravy from the KFC menu and make east food poutaine

I feel sorry for people that don't have any stupid stories to feel proud of.

Is a corn dog a deep fried burrito?

Gives the grand slam a hole new meaning

Adding yeast will speed things up, but apples have yeast already on them and if you don’t freeze this stuff it will ferment on it’s own. If that’s the route you are taking put it in a dark bottle loosely capped or more preferable a bubble lock. Put it in the basement and wait. Check periodically to be sure it hasn’t

With all of that varietability it's surprising that they use that in court? 

Where do I get a Panda E. Pass? I think k need one. 


I occasionally (almost always) fall asleep with a tumbler of whiskey on the rocks next to me, when I do, I pour that into an ice cube tray and use if for a whiskey and coke. The whiskey water that I freeze has a unique property that releases the whiskey into the coke while the water stays frozen.

Made my day sir! 

Yeah,youre going to die. 

Ok Kevin I have read you and have given you my clicks... EVEN THOUGH I AM STILL GREY.. but this I cannot get behind, you know this is not practical sandwich making, just make a pickle roll and be done with it.

Live long or die happy...amirite?