You are a hundred percent correct communication is a powerful tool.
You are a hundred percent correct communication is a powerful tool.
Miss who?
I took it to be a knockoff of Lays
Actually the best BBQ chip is a cool ranch Dorito.
“Other times, I look back on the two paragraphs I’ve just written and find it strange that I have so many situational preferences for thinly sliced, fried potatoes.”
“First, I looked across major national brands”
Yeah, he also “forgot” to log those drugs into evidence.
We were also told that it would reduce paperwork and save trees
Ohm...watt are you talking about it was the first comment I saw.
The only fast food poutine I can scrape together in the states is if you find an A&W/KFC combo restaurant order fries and cheese curds from the A&W menu and a side of gravy from the KFC menu and assemble yourself.
This is quite the rabbit hole to fall in. If you google global McDonald’s products or Doritos flavors of Cup ø Noodles flavors there is quite a bit out there.
“sure thing then we can make some hot dog sandwiches"
Ok his argument that if you take a hot dog from it's bun it is still a hot dog overlooks the fact that the hot dog is a filling of said taco.
I was just in a marijuana dispensery when a lady got upset when her ID was declined, she stormed out yelling “I’m not the one losing MY business” she would be correct, it is not her business at stake.
Well I can get damn near anything delivered from Amazon, I can get damn near anything I want to eat delivered, I can get drugs and alcohol delivered (I know a guy) now Starbucks!
Nowhere in my comment to you did I take one side or the other, I was merely commenting on your “I don’t agree w you so Fuck you” attitude..
This was meant for “Dead Elvis”
Nowhere in my comment to you did I take one side or the other, I was merely commenting on your “I don’t agree w you so Fuck you” attitude..
Tips are not wages.
The only more annoying than those brats are Redwing fans.