
I improve of your comment. 

Thats exactly what people said 150 years ago when the word “ketchup” only started to be used for tomatoe ketchup instead of using the traditional meaning of ketchup.

I specifically said maybe at small club’s too. They band’s “people” all know each other, lighting and sound people all know each, and the production company knows everyone. We spend hours setting up a show during the day and security gets a real good feel for who is supposed to be there. Does it happen? Yes, but

Yes. I for one, but I am sure there are many others that would like to know, what exactly are the rules or guidelines for being grey or not grey?

The dimple is used because of the shrinkage. As a burger shrinks everything gets pushed to the middle. Without the dimple, you will wind up w a dome. 

Starred for the tip, and your CORRECT  assessment of the superior onions.

I like to make my daughter and I a “chocolate Elvis”.

Also suprised that the Philly cheese steak is absent. 

Maybe at small club’s, but not at large concerts, we all know each other backstage and know right away if someone is out of place.

I work backstage at concerts when they come to town (yeah great gig). Usually we are pretty tight knit and know right away when someone is out of place. 

Suprises are not always a good thing

“A medium saves you 40 cents. There is no small.”

And obviously your experience invalidates Cayde-6's loaded dice’s experience.

IMO you came up w some better questions than the article.

So OK I hate to rant about a show that I love but here we go...

You’re right, you got me, don’t wipe your asshole, don’t raise your kids right, don’t now your lawn just because the neighbors don’t, hell don’t even go to work because you know homeless people don’t work.

You are correct, I thought that was the oven as it was under the stove top, so I guess I popped my own bubble, lol. 

Sorry to burst your bubble, but that's a mini-fridge 

ThIs brother also seems to be the type to yell at that athlete on TV getting paid millions saying "I could've caught that ball" dispite never playing football in a league any higher than Pop Warner. 

“the blood of your friends and relatives adds a nice tangy kick to any grilled fare.”